Sunday, July 21, 2024

So We've Finally Figured Out Why Wealthy Hollywood Liberals...


...have zero interest in building an actual Liberal media big enough to take on the gargantuan Conservative propaganda machine.

Because wealthy Hollywood "Liberals" believe they already have a Liberal media. 

And that "Liberal" media is serving their interests just fine.  

I Am The Actual Liberal Media!


zoombats said...

Well, they are only actors who haven't done anything special except tell stories.

SteveSteve said...

It's true!

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good afternoon, Mr. Glass.
Aaron Sorkin, eh? Bet Ms. Gal's looking forward to the inevitable "West Wing" reference on this week's podcast.
Best to you and your loved ones.

Zero Billionaire Theory said...

We should really emphasize to the rich is that democracy it what is best for them. The idiot billionaires who think they want a dictator should remember what happens to the rich when they do get their dictator:

From a Michael Cohen/Joe Conason interview yesterday

" thing that Trump thought was incredibly cool was when Muhammad Ben Salman rounded up all of the Royals and put them in his in the uh uh the Ritz Carton on the floor and actually hung them by their necks until they signed over their wealth to him in fact he they signed over so much wealth to him the day after he went out bought a house in France near the Louvre for 500 million he bought a yacht for 500 million and he bought a
painting for 500 the guy spent 1.5 billion dollars of money that he reconfiscated from other Royals..."

Don't forget all the oligarchs Putin has defenestrated too.

youtube: Trump THEFT from His OWN Voters Exposed in NEW Book | Mea Culpa

Lit3Bolt said...

The Nazi-curious pundits must have their due. Nate Silver is too busy CUUUUUUUrating his tweets.

But will they submit to a Krazy Kop Kamala? (Which she is not, but she will be tarnished as.)

Biden must have been convinced that by dropping out, he gives Dems a boost. But fuck the shadow primary, man. This is no way to run a democracy, in any shape form or fashion.

Robt said...

First I am good with Harris as I was god with Harris as VP and in standby to step in and take over. As Biden said, she is competent and ready to take over in case it is why he chose her.

I am only one person but I accepted Biden's age factor. I don;;t require a candidate entertaining me. I look to character, their past history, what they do/did . Who they associate with and the teams they can put together to achieve the Adm's goals and who those goals are aimed at and if they favor too much. at other people's expense.

Does Harris on top of ticket draw independents as Biden did? Does she draw in never Trumper's who voted Biden out of some assurance Biden would not "Liberalize "them like some sort of offense.

Finally, the VP pick? Must be able to reach independents as well in this race. But reach more than the base.
No matter what, there needs to be a bridal opposition jack slapping the Trump campaign lies. Shouting over the biased media. matter of fact, conning the media to give their attention to what they slyly intend them to do in support of the campaign.

Lastly, Biden steps down from reelection but remains president. What aa/ how can Biden utilize those immunity powers the SCOTUS shit out?

As president with all thsoe powers we hear about, can
Biden step hard on election suppressions, their electoral schemes?
It is obvious Trump camp is planning to oppose his lose, scheming to force his win when he loses and getting the SCOTUS this time to take the election away from voters and crown Trump as they did GW Bush. Recall, the court said then it was a one time thing with no precedent. But this is a new court that likes to have anal sex with prescient as if it was a 5 year old boy.

dinthebeast said...

All I can say is that I really hope the fuckers who forced him out know what the fuck they are doing.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Hal Rager said...

That is such an unassailable, uncomplicated assessment, it must be true.

Rob Anderson said...

The issue is a lot bigger than hurting Joe Biden's feelings. It's about stopping Trump and keeping the Demcrats in the White House.