Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Listening to the Pod Save Lads So You Won’t Have To

Every time I hear the lads these days, or when their dyspeptic musings are dumped into my social media feeds, I am again moved to wonder if any of them have ever been in an honest-to-god, down-and-dirty, no-rules street fight.   

Because boy-o, you sure as shit are now.  

And once again I am reminded of this timeless  quote by Stanisław Jerzy Lec.

"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.” 

I Am The Liberal Media


Jon Sitzman said...

G'd morning DG and BG!

I'm a little... ruefully glad?... to see this sentiment from you. I'd listened to PSA a couple of times recently and was rather soured. Glad it's not just me.

As to your post below about J.D. Vance erasing archives... I'm sure you've seen the kerfluffle about Trump calling RFK Jr. and blathering some rather insane anti-vax sentiments? Astonishingly, the legacy media outlets are sort of doing their job and running with this. I mean, they'll let it go after a couple of days, but still, credit where due.

I know this may come off as overly-hopeful optimism, but I think Trump's done. I don't think he thinks he is - I think he believes he's in a commanding position. But the old canard about death by a thousand cuts applies here. Anti-vax sentiment is popular among MAGA faithful. Fence sitters? From what little I know, not so much.

The Epstein files? Oof. Vance being a weathervane? Oof. (I dislike TLP, but they do have enjoyable content out there regarding this.) The felony convictions? Oof.

Media isn't making much of any of this, but the Democratic messaging machine seems to be starting on that path.

I think it's going to stick. I think Trump is actually done. I mean, obviously four months is an epoch in politics, "anything can happen," etc. But I think the good folks are going to win this one.

Don't get me wrong - an enormous, generational amount of work will remain after Trump slimes his way off the political stage (and I'm under no illusion that he'll simply accept a loss and walk away), but I'll take the W's where I can find them.

Thank you, as always, for all y'all do.

AuroraS said...

Initially, I thought this was nothing more than the usual panicky Dem bullshit in which suddenly the winds change and they get a whiff of their candidate not being their Perfect Savior who will rescue them from the Bad Man and make it all okay, so their reflex is to stab them right in the back for it. How DARE Joe Biden not be their knight in shining armor? It was his responsibility as Captain America to save us! It comes most strongly from those in a position of privilege—We never thought it would be *our* asses on the line! Retreat! Retreat!!!!1!!

However, the Wunderkind and those at a few choice lefty blogs and socials have flogged this horse into a bloody pulp, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s creeping into the territory of manufacturing doom porn in the name of content creation at this point. With the mainstream press, it’s a given, but our guys don’t have to do this.

Nick Jr. said...

It is truly mind-boggling how these supposed political pros over at Pod Sabotage America who all worked for Obama, actually think this is the right course of action, to endlessly harp on their own guy and try to force a last-minute replacement that only has one analog in modern history, the disastrous year for Democrats that was 1968.