Monday, May 06, 2024

Today In Podcast News, Political Lifeboat Sales Remain Brisk

From The Hill:

Kellyanne Conway, David Plouffe launching ‘The Campaign Managers’ podcast

A pair of campaign managers for former Presidents Trump and Obama are teaming up for an across-the-aisle podcast that promises to “engage rather than enrage” while diving into the 2024 White House race.

Kellyanne Conway, who headed up Trump’s 2016 campaign, and David Plouffe, who steered Obama’s 2008 White House bid, will join forces for “The Campaign Managers,” podcast platform PodcastOne announced Monday...

Behind the instantaneous and perfectly understandable revulsion which any decent human being would feel at hearing the news that Plouffe [Obama's #1 numbers guy] and Conway [Trump's amoral, serial-lying succubus throw pillow] are "teaming up", there is a certain, ruthless, Machiavellian logic in this.

Consider that, if Biden wins, after the smoke clears and whatever dipshit Dies Irae the MAGA chucklefucks whip themselves into is put down, all the remaining Trump world parasites who still have intact mainstream media connections will be scrambling for a seat on any available lifeboat.  Almost certainly just long enough to achieve a temporary orbit above the chaos and Republican-on-Republican bloodletting, with an eye towards sweeping back to power after things calm down a little, but just as happened after 2016, the market demand for a safe media harbor will be there.

And since rehabbing the reputations of Republican scum is the media's #1 growth industry, damn betcha that Conway will be waving her connections with Plouffe around like the Letters of Transit in Casablanca to get herself a seat at one of the cables, or the Kennedy School of Gummint, or wherever.  

On the other hand, should Trump win, Plouffe can prevail on Conway to save him from a one-way ticket to the camps.  To sell him to the regime as genius statistician, like Wernher von Braun, who will concern himself only with the numbers, not the horrors behind the numbers.  A kind of political mentat, like Thufir Hawat in Dune: a valuable asset who just needs to be pressured in the right way to insure he gives good service to the Trump regime. 

Each gets a little rainy day insurance, and both will a higher media profile and get paid on their way to whichever deluge awaits us.  

Meanwhile, a little song about such people:

Burn The Lifeboats

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