Thursday, May 02, 2024

The New Bitter Clingers

It was a bitter thing, when that tiny band of Never Trumpers were forced to leave their political hearth and home (and book deals and Conservative media gigs and speaking tours) and seek refuge in a strange land full of [checks notes] book deals, Liberal media gigs and speaking tours.  

It was a bitter thing to be forced to face the fact that everything they believed in was bullshit, and everyone they had ever made common Conservative cause with had actually been a liar or a coward or a grifter or a fascist.

It's not surprising they get bitter.  They cling to Burke and their Buckley and, if you listen to them talk among themselves, they still cling to their unshakable contempt for the Left.  In virtually every episode of virtually every Never Trump podcast you will find a sour "But the Democrats..." or "But the Liberals..." scolding segment that could have come from any issue of The Weekly Standard from the day launched (thanks to a sack full of Rupert Murdoch's money) to the day the Trump people snuffed it out.  

What's so vexing isn't that this tiny nest of pundits still think their opinions merit serious consideration despite the fact that history has show them to have been completely wrong about everything.  Of course they think the rest of the world should shut up, sit down and do what these goofs tell them to do.  They're Conservatives.  That's how they roll.  I did a whole long thing about that called "The Aristocrats" five years ago which you can read here.

No, what's vexing is that this tiny nest of always-wrong pundits are still being given such a wildly outsized presence in the media, and onto that large and undeserved stage, they will always arrive dragging their  "But the Democrats..." or "But the Liberals..." bitching and whining behind them.

I Am The Liberal Media


Robt said...

From where I sit, These college protesters are more pro life than the R-wing religious MAGA.
They have no shot at getting a pardon if arrested like Trump cultists.. Or at least promised pardons.

I expect the media to drive as fast as they can to a Diner full of MAGA Trump cultists to interview them on Gaza.

perhaps 3 toes has some enlightened words of Jewish-ish space lasers to sweeten the story behind why they protest and should be shot like a immigrant crossing our sacred border.
Or Mike "Moses" Johnson can tell us why God has forsaken us and why Liberals should repent. If only Libs would repent. Then everything would be marshmallow skies and Tutti- Frutti gum drops for every child mass late term aborted by the 3nd Amendment. Thoughts and prayers, Y'all

I just know it will all be Joe Biden's fault. Because Obama is not president anymore. And he is not a Holy sainted republican who can never hold any blame. Ask the 6 SCOTUS Federalist justices if you don't believe me.

Green Eagle said...

The Gaza Protesters are absolutely a mirror image of MAGA. The MAGA millions have fallen prey to billions of dollars of propaganda from sociopathic rich billionaires, and have been driven into a permanent state of rage that is utterly impervious to reason and facts. The same thing is true of the Gaza protesters; the only difference is that the billionaires on one side are are the Kochs and Mercers and Waltons and Elon Musk, while the billionaires on the other side are the Arab and Arab adjacent (e.g. Iran) oil sheikhs. The decades long promotion of lies about Israel (that it is an Apartheid State, that it practices genocide) has done the same thing to these supposed progressives, that we see among the MAGA voters. As with the right, the real purveyors of apartheid and ethnic cleansing (every single Arab state practices apartheid and most of them have engaged in ethnic cleansing; Hamas is openly committed to genocide) are given a total pass while the only democracy in the Middle East is savaged, to the benefit of nobody other than rich Arabs. The worst of it is that the murderous delusions of the BDS crowd and the pro-Hamas demonstrators may very well put Trump back into the White House, ending freedom in this country for all of us. That may actually be what pro-Arab forces believe in, but at least until now, most of the demonstrators refuse to admit that what they are promoting is religious fascism.

meremark said...


Ffresh in the afterbirth of the decadent Annual MET Gala, NYC,

obscenely rich 'socialites' parade in $100,000 +/+ designer 'dresses'
-- costumes, really -- in such extravagance that more than one person
was reminded of Marie Antoinette's era and remarks.

"Let them 'lowly people' eat cake," she said, purportedly.
These days, of capitalistic greed, she would say,
'Let them buy off-the-rack.'