Tuesday, May 21, 2024

First They Mock You, Then They Block You...

...then they rip you off and pretend you never existed

Ol' Tom Nichols really, really hated it when I'd pop up on social media to remind him of the Republican Party's incredibly problematic past.  After all, you know the rule:

So he called me a few names and might have invoked Angela Davis or 1970 or some such and,  inevitably, he blocked me.  

Hey, here's a Fun Fact:  Tom Nichols was nine years old in 1970 and yet he seems to have an encyclopedic "memory" of the alleged horrors of the hippie years as they had been were masticated and spit into his mouth mama-bird style by Conservative media for decades.  But Tom was a grown-ass man in his early 30s when lying, racist, demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich became the powerbrokers of his beloved Republican Party, and yet he seems to have had no reaction to his party being taken over by proto-Trump monsters at the time, nor any memory of that at all since.

Man, these Elite Republican Experts on American Politics sure do live in a funny, lucrative little world.

However, as was bound to happen, the post-Trump memory hole itself eventually got to be such a yawning chasm of lost moments that the same Never Trumpers who excoriated us dirty hippies for having the temerity to remember their pasts are now opening up their own Little Shoppe o' Inconvenient Recollections.  

The difference being The Atlantic had no interest whatsoever in publishing us dirty hippies dredging up the long, depraved and very inconvenient trajectory the GOP has been on for decades that led, at last, to Trump.

On the other hand, in The Atlantic just yesterday...

The MAGA Memory Hole
Many Republicans continue their collective amnesia about Trump.

By Tom Nichols

For years, leading Republicans have chosen to let their memory lapse about things they once said about Donald Trump. It’s a disingenuous forgetting that has deepened since Trump went on trial in New York.

Ahh!  It's caveat like "about Trump" and "things they once said about Donald Trump" and "since Trump went on trial" that make it pure, Never Trumper art.

Winston Smith, the protagonist of George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, works for the totalitarian Ministry of Truth, where his assignment is to produce lies. He rewrites history so that whatever the regime says today cannot be contradicted by something it might have said yesterday. (He ensures, for example, that Big Brother’s “Order for the Day” announcements about the regime’s achievements match up with everything the leader predicted in previous statements, and he excises any untidy references in the state media to people who have been arrested and disappeared.) Once history is fixed, Winston drops contradictory materials into “the memory hole,” a small opening near every desk that leads to a furnace, where the inconvenient past is quickly incinerated...

For me, the article cut off there because the rest is behind a paywall.  And I will be goddamned if I'm going to dip into my very shallow tip jar to pay money to read a poor cover-band version of what I've been writing at this blog for 20 years by a guy who shit on me and my readers and then blocked me for daring to vivisect the Republican Memory Hole before he was through using it.  

 This is why I said we needed to...

Burn The Lifeboats!


Just another boomer said...

"Cover-band version of what I've been writing.." Greeat line.

dinthebeast said...

I met Angela Davis in the late nineties when I delivered a refrigerator to her apartment in Oakland. She was very nice.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

no need to post this, and of course you said it more succinctly.
love your stuff, driftglass
paywall stuff can be read here. copy paste link, and someone has usually already saved it

Anonymous said...

I know this isn't your focus, but I wonder whether Peggy Noonan too drunk to actually consider why "the stakes could not be higher," or whether she just belched that phrase out automatically.