Saturday, March 02, 2024

Quite The Time-Saver!

Today I am going to save you the customer a slice of your valuable time, and I'm going to accomplish that by doing something cheap and lazy. So it's win-win!

First, the cheap and lazy part.

This is a short snip from a post I did about a year ago.

To date, this is how the very few interactions I've had with Never Trumpers have gone, because I want to talk about the Before Times.  About how things got the be the way they are.  And they manifestly do not.  

In their telling, the history of the Republican Party is as follows:

Buckley drove out the heretics.

Then St. Reagan the Law Giver set down the Articles of Faith.  Tax cuts, good!  Guns, good!  Deregulation, good!  Abortion, bad!  Socialism, bad!  Democrats are misguided fools or worse!

Then...buncha stuff really not worth talking about.   Yadda yadda yadda.  

Then, suddenly and inexplicably...Trump!

Got that?

OK, I will now repurpose and slightly modify that to save you the customer the time and trouble of reading an entire, terrible David Brooks column entitled "The G.O.P. Returns to Its Bad Old Self".

Watch closely and remember, I'm a professional.  You should not try to do this at home.  


Buckley drove out the heretics.

Dwight Eisenhower was awesome. 

Then, later, St. Reagan the Law Giver set down the Articles of Faith.  Tax cuts, good!  Guns, good!  Deregulation, good!  Abortion, bad!  Socialism, bad!  Democrats are misguided fools or worse!

Then...buncha stuff really not worth talking about.   Yadda yadda yadda.  

Then, suddenly and inexplicably...Trump!



Enjoy the rest of your day.  

I Am The Liberal Media


Robt said...

Don't you just love people like Brooks who sins a web of soft self mutilation. How he conjures the notion to assimilate with a sorrowful and dangerous and reckless man, ( well, something in a man's body anyways).
It is godly and of the greatest idealism to be MAGA. Except for himself. MAGA votes Trump , Trump creates elitism for people like Brooks. Tax cuts too.
Brooks is a product purchased by the wealthy over their unamused history since FDR took over from Hoover and made their lives and inheritance babies lives intolerable ever since and they want it erased. They feel the shanty Hoover towns were great living for us peons.

The superior race wants to have "his kind" rule and controlling over the rest of us. Oh no, not him though.

How well would Brooks do in a Putin ran government?

Brooks is ridiculously writing to sheer the sheep already sheared. So the funding sponsors and elitists can read about it and feel something assuring.
Then there is the other brands of right wing nostalgia. Like, Charlie Sykes who on Morn Joe watches Dementia Donald clips that Joe put together and ran for Sykes to watch and comment. Sure, Charlie of today is against the Charlie of the past and ridicules Trump's displays of Inane insanities, indignancy and indecency. . Only for Sykes to offer his command advice to Democrats on how to confront Trump and take him down. :Democrats should stop with the bed wetting and get out of the bed and go after Trump", Sykes illustriously offers up!

Robt said...

By the way, I am going to watch the SOTU in the GOP MAGA WWF for Putin arena.

With God telling Speaker Moses to order his Tree House club members to "Behave" themselves.
Not sure if Speaker Moses has them all on his Porn Share APP to be able to enjoy/ He means scrutinize them.

Oh, and see President Biden a whole day older than the press told me he was yesterday..
Oh, must admit, President Biden is another day older than he was yesterday and slurring Speaking in tongues stable Genius is aging in reverse and is a day younger

Can't wait for Donny to select Putin or Orbon as his VP. That should put him over the top..
I predict Alec Jones, Gorka, Stone, Sloppy Steve and the other commoners right wing deep state insurrectionists will not do.