Thursday, March 14, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode #786: Britt Mace Noem and Stefanik Enter The Veep Pageant

“The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right."  -- Mark Twain

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 786 Britt Mace Noem and Stefanik Enter The Veep Pageant

March 14, 2024

A bunch of Republican women face plant in an attempt to win the favor of a convicted sex offender.   Republican states are pro lead poisoning and conservative pundits come out against ...retirement?  More at

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Robt said...

Here we are and only Joe Biden is another day older according to the right wing. How young is that kid Mitch McConnell again? Trump may be younger than Biden but he sure sounds older with older ideas. Oh, and the crazy ideas like nuking Hurricanes.
Rumor has it the Professional Left is showing its age?

On the latest of Mike Pence going on FOX to say he will not endorse Trump is ball-see for Mike. But notice, Pence did not say he would not vote for him

I come to think that Never Trumpers are there to get GOP voters to the polls to vote down ballot. Maybe not for Trump but all the down ballot GOP that , dislikes Donny's crudeness but love his policies". So they say. Jos policies is TAX CUTS for the wealthy.

The fed up GOPers that do not go and vote cannot vote down ballot GOP.

Never Trumpers want the Trump dictator but without the crazy. Trump isn't really a conservative I hear.
So, they want a republican that can be well mannered and sell lies softly and smoothly again, without the Cray-Cray.
What do you think?

I was surprised that Boebert is running the scheme of a rigged election in the Colo. District that is a strong GOP district. I was under the impression that only democrats rig elections against the GOP? This disturbs me to no end that the GOP is rigging elections. Never would I have thought that. I guess it is true about both sides rigging elections now?

psst, lean in. I want to say something without everyone else hearing it.
We see your posts.
We hear your podcasts
We get the jest of your points
We can't smell you if you fart
And we----are--- with ----you.

Cmax said...

Situation normal.

dinthebeast said...

So these Republican women are vying for the position that last time around was promoted on social media for hanging? Do they believe that they can suck their way into Fergus' permanent good graces? I guess he isn't the only victim of hubris in his shitpile of a party.
I think Biden needs to go on teevee and talk up World Central Kitchen. He said that our military was building a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza by sea, but that plan, which is still in motion, is hindered by his (our) commitment to not ever have any "boots on the ground" in Gaza, so it is still about a month out, by which time innumerable Gazans will have starved to death under Bibi's blockade.
WCK went in there with help from the UAE and built a drivable jetty onto which they loaded 200 tons of food from a barge they towed from Cyprus. Jose Andres says they plan on ramping up to "thousands of tons a week" now that they have shown the process to be workable.
Some clever PR about this could perhaps reverse Biden's fortunes with Arab and Muslim Americans AND YOUNG VOTERS in swing states, and have the side benefit of saving thousands of people from starvation.
Bibi has to go, but that can't happen anywhere near soon enough to save the people his blockade is killing. Sort of emblematic of right wing governance writ large, I would say, but we should still endeavor to do what we can.
Thank you again for the podcast. I sent you an email with the cat pictures Sara sent me, and it turns out to have a connection to Disney World. And a wedding cake. You'll see.
Spring starts Tuesday. I believe I can live until Tuesday, and thus will survive this winter. Not that I had too much doubt, but how much is too much?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

I agree Netanyahu needs to go. Not going to happen while he is at war like this.
We couldn't rid ourselves of GW Bush after invading Iraq because somehow they were responsible for 9/11 and had WMD they never found. But many desperately grasped onto that WMD threat knowing it was a lie.
N. Korea cannot rid themselves of Kim Jong, Russia just reelected Putin, no matter who is elected president of Iran the Moolah rule and are not elected.
Victor Orban got elected after they kicked him out. His 2nd term he used power to install himself for Like.
Ukraine had themselves elected a Putin pet and they actually grabbed pitchforks and chased him out as he ran back to Russia. They elected Zelensky and are trying to resist Putin's desire to regain control of I Ukraine. And here we have Trump and republicans doing what they can to assist Putin gain his desires.
GOP in all seem to think supporting Trump policies is good. If Trump favors Russia so do they. But they still hate Iran and N. Korea and China.
Putin's Russia is in cahoots with Iran, N. Korea and pals with China.
We haven't fully rid ourselves of Trump like Ukraine did their Russian ruler pet. WE are going to need to rid ourselves of the GOPers that position themselves with Trump on this.
We all saw American business run to COMMUNIST China for cheap labor leaving Americans out of work. As GOPers today continue to position themselves as anti Communist China. Using it to attack Tic Toc as a subversive ploy to destroy America. So Steve Mnuchin and other billionaires can buy it for profit.
In the Day Germany chose Hitler, Italy chose the Mussolini. Japan choice not any better. Spain got Franco. America chose FDR. Australia, England and some others chose wisely and the world came out of it.
The question today is, Can Americans in all or in majority choose wisely again at a critical time.

Most of us thought we got rid of Trump and that disgusting agenda of corruption and nonsense..
What I have problems with is how American wealth in this country financially supports the Donny. Knowing his agenda of Chaos and erasing our constitution to make us something more like Hitler and Putin rule with Oligarchs holding power unlike in Putin's arena.
What is more disgusting is the wealth's/ GOP backing of religious zealotry as if these religious folks think they will have protection from their perceived persecuted nailed to the cross feelings. People not submitting to their religious views, assimilating to their personal religion (even though they themselves do not obey it) is what they call religious persecution.
The silliest notion that God wants Trump elected. When God as understood has the power to do whatever he pleases. Would give people their FREE WILL and then order them to elected the GOP nominee?
The sewage plant of the right is overflowing and flooding the entire country with its stench.
America had a choice that brought us a Revolutionary war. A Civil War.
Not sure if anyone could ever cover it all. If we vote correctly we might avoid the Orange war.
As it was said, We have a democratic Republic. If we can keep it.

Which bring me to the SCOTUS and their ridiculous Federalist Society B,S< over originalism. Which infers we cannot change for what someone today imagines in their mind what was written in our constitution but what their intent at the time was and what was going through their minds at the time. Poppycock.
Their would have never been any amendments after the Bill of Rights by their foolish mantra.
I say this while our great Right wing Supremes decided they will entertain the Notion of one fluctuant man that, a president is above the law and has immunity from any crimes he commits the rest of his life once president.
And Americans sit by as the SCOTUS "deliberates ( or is it masturbates) this . When I consider how the SCOTUS refuses to hear Death Row cases like they do.