Thursday, March 07, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode #784: Quiet Part Loud.

“Some editors are failed writers, but so are most writers."  -- T. S. Eliot


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Robt said...

This is a short comment on SOTU before listening in on the podcast.
The president being one day older than the press reported the day before SOTU shut down any future inane "Is Pres. Biden too old" reporting for Trump.

President masterfully led with commander in chief strength. showed empathy and mercy for those of need. His words were clear and concise.
:there is old with old ideas of returning to the old days and there is old that has new ideas that move toward a future" (para phrased).

The GOP fell into the same rat trap of the Social Security snare.
Speaker Moses only stood twice and applauded. Do you know what he stood two times for?

President tore into the insurrectionists of the GOP smack in their faces. Yes, as Speaker Moses who was the main recruiter for GOP members to vote no on certifying electors. Watching Speaker Moses in the moment were he lowered his head and turned sideways in some sort of GOP religious shame.
Biden had several really good proposals he challenged congress to legislate.
He then went on a one of those shooing sprees were prize winner gets 10 minutes to fill shooing carts with anything he can and gets to keep it for free.
There was much more. It was watchable because his train of thought was clear and coherent. He didn't rant on a hate everyone he hates like the other dude. He didn't spend the SOTU trying to convince us he was the greatest super human to ever walk the earth in the solar system. Okay, Universe.
And of course Marge Karen Greene wore a MAGA 2024 red cap. Classiest girl in the Shit hole country trailer park.

So I listen in Friday for your review

dinthebeast said...

Yeah, the goddamn Republicans are definitely letting it all hang out. Yes, I am old. Not "Joe Biden" old, but old enough to remember the phrase "let it all hang out" when it was in use in normal conversations.
My friend Sara in Huntsville has sent me more cat pictures, and as soon as I can get descriptions to go with them, I will send them right in. They are handsome black cats and they deserve their shot at internet fame. I asked Sara to kick Tommy Tuberville in his nut sack if she happened to see him walking around. She said "That shit-for-brains ain't coming up to this city... BUT If he did, I would definitely do so and try to do worse." so apparently Sara and myself see exceptions to Biden's hard and fast rule against political violence.
Or perhaps as my friend Tiny once said "Sometimes if you talk about shit like that, you don't have to do it."
Thank you again for the podcast. Now Imma listen to the SOTU one.

-Doug in Sugar Pine