Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Dribble The Soothsayer

Yes.  I know.  It is ridiculous, even for Fox.  It transcends the concept  of "freak show".  It is mesmerising in the same way a 50 car pileup is mesmerising.  It is Sybil the Soothsayer from Network.  It is Jesse Watters' whackjob relative -- the one they keep in the attic except on special occasions -- wearing a lacquered fright wig she fished out of Salena Zito's discard pile.  And everyone involved was drunk.

Judges would accept any or all of these as valid answers on the "WT actual F happened on Fox News last night?" political aptitude test.

However, two things.

First, back in the good old days, consulting an oracle actually required guts because it could come with some personal risk.  Imagine what a quiet happy backwater life MacBeth might have had, had he not stopped off and asked the Weird Sisters for directions.  Or consider the Bocca della Verità --

-- which, legend had it, would bite the hand off of any liar who placed their hand in its mouth, or anyone who told a lie while their hand is in the mouth.

You can see why nothing like that would be allowed within 1,000 miles of the mighty headwaters of Republican lies for the past 30 years, Fox News.

Instead, we get Grandmama from The Addams Family flipping cards in prime time while Jesse Watters smirks and thinks to himself, man, I can get this meathead audience to watch anything.

However, let us set all that aside for a moment and consider whether, on the merits, is substantively different or less accurate from the oracular bullshit that well-paid pundits and politicians offer up in print and on teevee every day of the week, and every hour of every day during campaign season.  

I Am The Liberal Media!


justsomeguy05 said...

Of course the "christians" will be irate and boycott fox. ha, I made a funny.

SteveSteve said...

It just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

Robt said...

In response to the Tarot card reader on the FOX.

MSNBC bring on a witch doctor to counter.

David Sevile. YouRube link

CNN goes VooDoo and sacrifices a Chicken.

24/ 7 (so called) new network uses every moment to entertain people desperate for entertainment. News? What is that.

Just know the ghost of Hugo Chaves rigged the election on Trump and Long Dong Silver's haunting spirit lingers to cock block Putin from helping Trump in his election.
We know this because Vivek RomneySmarmy said so.

Missy Miss said...

She pulled the Grim Reaper card for Trump. Perchance to dream ...

Robt said...

By the way,

The next time Jesse inn the Tucker slot of FOX climbs up o his Areligious zealotry throne and rattle on about his religious beliefs are superior to everyone else's with the false notion that his viewers are superior to.

He should know that Tarot Card s are blasphemy.

Which is another of God's commandments he has always had trouble with abiding for such a religious elite.

Oh, he has went Bible thumping in the past and will again without a doubt.

What he should have done is ask the Tarot Card reader to give his future a read.