Thursday, January 04, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode #769

“By a lie, a man... annihilates his dignity as a man.” -- Immanuel Kant



The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

About the governor: Remember when Jerry Brown was taking a bunch of shit for demanding that extra huge "rainy day fund" in the California budget?
Then remember when the pandemic didn't damage the California budget as much as they had predicted it would because a whole shitload of "high earners" were able to work remotely and thus keep paying taxes?
Then remember when Gavin Reptile saw a political advantage and started giving away all of that surplus money like GW Bush on acid?
Well, now we're looking at a multi-billion dollar deficit and the need to cut a bunch of those politically advantageous programs.
Whenever I get an email from the governor asking me for a donation I just mutter to myself: "You know, Mr. Reptile, had you included folks on SSDI who don't file state tax returns in your pool of recipients for the $600 stimulus payments last year I might have considered donating, but since you didn't, could you perhaps go take an economics class or something?"
So congratulations on your awesome governor.
Biden's speech yesterday was encouraging. I've been fending off anxiety about polling and horserace horseshit by telling myself "The actual campaign hasn't even begun. Let's wait and see what it looks like before pronouncing it dead."
If that was the note he chose to kick things off, we may kick their asses to the curb. That speech had those few hundred thousand voters' targeted with the precision of a goddamn HIMARS.
Thank you again for the podcast. It snowed, and the cat complained bitterly before going outside this morning to do his business...

-Doug in Sugar Pine