Friday, November 10, 2023

Rendezvous with Ramaswamy

With his Star Trek IV Shatner hair and practiced, preening Andrew Dice Clay assholery, this is not Vivek Ramaswamy's time.


But what we are being given is a glimpse into the future of the Republican party.  

Obviously the embodiment of where the Republican party is here and now is Donald Trump.

And the If-Trump-keels-over-dead Republican party of today is more-or-less evenly divided between the floundering, robotic authoritarianism of Ron DeSantis and the speaking-in-tongues Evangelical fanaticism of Tim Scott.  DeSantis struggles with being able to mimic enough human facial expressions and speech patterns to get people to trust him, and Scott struggles with convincing voters that he is God's own first draft pick.

The party's past can be seen in grumpy Guses like Nikki Haley and Chris Christie, with their arcane talk about "responsibility" and "foreign policy" as if anyone in the Republican madhouse cared about that.

But the party's future may well be Ramaswamy.  Arrived too soon to thrive in the present moment, but in four years?  

Or eight?  

With a little salt in his hair and a big bag of "If only you'd chosen me" for a Republican party in open revolt against itself, and a Republican base jonesing for some of that sweet, sweet, Trump screaming rageaholism?

Remember when Reagan's record of cruelty and extremism as California's    governor -- and the pall of the Goldwater debacle and the Nixon catastrophe that still hung over the party -- made it a punchline that the Party of Lincoln would nominate and elect the co-star of Bedtime for Bonzo?

If you never underestimate how deeply the Right hates this country, you'll never be caught by surprise by anything that the MAGA Fascist Party gets up to.

I Am The Liberal Media


honest cloud said...

Ramaswamy is copying Mayor Pete’s act, is failing, and will regret he ever tried.

The Sophist said...

Idunno, I'm from South India, and about as dark-skinned as him. Ain't no way he's gonna be acceptable to the good ol' boys I grew up with in Weatherford, TX.

dervy scram said...

Republicans LURVE the country. It's the Blacks, the other coloreds, the uppity wimmens, and teh gehys they hate. That's their driving force

Anonymous said...

Ramaswamy's a Hindu. If he were running as a Democrat, that's not a problem. But since the Political Right can't survive without the Christian Right, he's not becoming President unless it's through Line of Succession.

Remember how Mitt Romney wasn't a Christian despite being a Mormon...a branch of Christianity?

Pinku-Sensei said...

This encounter may be one with the future of the Republican Party, but, unlike the Arthur C. Clarke novel you're referencing, it's not proof that there's intelligent life out there. Too bad.

Robt said...

" I am tired of republicans losing and being losers"_ Quoting Viv.

He wants to win but not change his game, won't work to improve his chances. It is clear, he, the GOP just want to win and win for no good reason.

Personally I find inspiration in the GOP losing as Viv proclaims. That Americans are not propagandized as the right has worked for over 50 years to brain wash. With some success I admit.
The rights billionaire's funding the GOP's endeavor to return to the Hoover days of Yore for me is not that appealing and it now seems I am not alone and not that leftists minority evil godless group they had for the most exterminated as El Rushbo would call for.

How the right decided to go all out fighting their fears of Americans in the 60' with all that radical music, protests, long hair.

I will say, Elon did his part to disrupt social media from being used , I suspect Sen. Tuberville's blocking of all those top military confirmations is for hope of a Trump win so Trump can fill those top military positions with Putin choices who will take oaths to Trump instead of the Constitution so when he invokes the insurrection act he will have his crony NAZI Gestapo dupes in place to carrying it out.
But that is my conspiracy theory and if everyone else can have conspiracy theories, I can have one also.

I know this, WEalthy billionaire GOP donors have proven that their tax cuts they have recieved over time . Shows that Government can acutally spend and manage their money in paid taxes better than the right wing billionaires can.
One example;
Right wing billionaire donors are funding the RNC's Tree house club's presidential candidates and the debates and they do it without the eventual winner of the GOP nomination.
They have so much money to flush down the GOP toilet without calling a plumber to unplug the toilet's plugged up and overflowing condition. It is a sloppy mess and they keep dumping in it and flushing with thecae overflowing from the back up that happens.

One thing for sure is, I need a new analogy that doesn't include a backed up toilet overflowing for the GOP.

Green Eagle said...

Just so well put, as always, Driftglass. There are so many sources of opinion that I have come to rely upon ones with the honesty to express themselves with a proper degree of contempt for what is going on in this country, and you never let me down in that regard.

I just want to say, as for Ramaswamy, that it is not that he is a Hindu. I am still stunned that the American people elected a President with the middle name of Hussein, but I am positive that they are never going to vote for someone with the name of a minor character in a Jonny Quest episode.

Jason said...

Good post. I think you're spot on. Vivek is definitely carving the die to cast for future GOP shitheels.

Jim from MN said...

As a party of assholes--there's nothing the GOP loves more than assholes like Republican Vivek telling the Republican asshole base that they're assholes, too.