Friday, July 28, 2023

In Which the Word “Uncovering” Works So Hard It Snapped Its Spine

As you contemplate the following screen-shots, bear in mind that Nixon's Southern Strategy, Reagan's "Welfare Queen" ideology, Limbaugh's "Feminazis, Libtards and Barack the Magic Negro" vocabulary and Gingrich's slash-burn-and-relentlessly-demonize politics are the filthy, racist waters that spawned Mr. Rick Wilson.

And that, until five minutes ago, profiting handsomely by further toxifying those filthy, racist waters has been his life's work.

But now...

Since almost no one be me cares about any of this, I have learned to content myself by being grimly entertained by listening to Wilson continuing to use his real superpower -- reptilian amoral flexibility -- to seamlessly transition from being a paid, Right-wing political hitman who gleefully took the filthy lucre of crackpot Conservative billionaires and used the unlimited crackpot-billionaire funded resources available on the Right to help build a Republican doomsday... landing squarely on my "No Fair Remembering Stuff" podcast corner (but isn't everybody?) dressed up as Mr. "Holy shit!  You mean the Republican Party has been full of Republicans all along!!" guy.

And the funniest part of all of this?  Wilson (and pretty much every other Never Trumper) blocked me years ago specifically for promiscuously and publicly remembering the very same monstrous past of the Republican party that he is now "uncovering".


Burn The Lifeboats


dave said...

driftglass, dude, you got this ALL is not your facts, opinions, or best wishes for the future of our union that get you in trouble, it's your timing!

you HAVE to wait until whatever you say is what they want to hear...not give cautionary tales, not try to prevent the next atrocity, not to stand up for basic civil and human rights but to wait for them to be able applaud whatever you say...loudly!!

politics is the art of getting in front of a parade and pretending to lead it..ya gotta wait!! even if the lemmings are dashing to the cliff you need remain silent...then the survivors are ready to hear your wisdoms...only when THEY are ready. because never trumpers are not good, not fair, not even useful; they are 'politic'.

Anonymous said...

Hey driftglass,
Don't quit! Even if we don't listen.
It's nice to have a place to point to and say
"See, we TOLD you!"


Jim Butts said...

Dave, that comment was very good. I appreciate the sustained sarcasm from beginning to end. That’s rather difficult to do. Thanks.