Friday, April 21, 2023

Looks Like I Picked the Wrong Week to Quit Amphetamines. Again.


Honestly, in a world where creatures like David Brooks can just glide on and on, blithely untouched by any calamities and ordeals affecting lesser humans, blatherskiting Beltway-comforting claptrap under the banner of The New York Times without suffering any professional consequences, seemingly forever...

...there is no right week to quit amphetamines'.


Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

Anyone who is so comfortable with corruption.

Like having a contracted out justice system full of Federalist Society judges. Must feel that way because he senses he is one of the same tree house members and if ever finds himself in a pile of illegal Doo-Doo. They courts will be there for him with lawless favor.

Brooks is one of those who hold his political ideology up over his religious God to worship breaking the commandment while assuming the spiritual superiority.

He has his own definition of capitalism that is not in the dictionary, not in his Bible and his republican party practices abstractionism economics.

dinthebeast said...

I saw Paul Krugman mention DFB's column in today's newsletter and figured I'd find something here to read about it.
Today is fifteen years since the last time I did any amphetamines...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Jon Sitzman said...

Me again. (That guy again?!)

Here's why what you do matters:

Money quote, emphasis mine:

>>> It hit me as I read through all this news that a key theme seems to be a new shift toward transparency and accountability. It jumps out at me that people are talking to lawyers and to the press about illegalities, irregularities, and, in the Sandy Hook case, horrors that in the past they have kept quiet.

Whether it comes from disgust at the excesses of those who are attacking our democracy or from fear of the law, that transparency reminds me of the pivotal importance of McClure’s Magazine in the early twentieth century. Reformers had expressed philosophical concerns about the concentration of wealth and power at the top of American society for decades, but those concerns could be ignored until the investigative journalists working for McClure’s began to explore the specifics of political corruption and its cost to ordinary Americans. Dismissed as “muckrakers” by politicians, those journalists nonetheless helped to shift the weight of social value from keeping secrets to spilling them.

When that shift happened, the walls protecting the country’s entrenched leaders crumbled fast.

You'll no doubt correctly object that your resources don't parallel McClure's; no dispute. However, it is a different time. Information is disseminated in different ways, with all the good and bad that entails. Disinformation has a loud voice. But truth isn't silent, and speaking it isn't meaningless.

Your words aren't wasted, and your work to document media malfeasance and corruption has enormous value.

I'd also like to mention that I first encountered the work of Prof. David Zurawik today, primarily through archived articles on the Baltimore Sun. Worth a quick view, if you're unfamiliar.

Thanks for all you do.

CardinalJedi said...

I read Bobo’s column at 5:30 this morning and thought to myself: “What a gutless weasel.”

Also, why MSNBC is even worth watching if the hosts are not going to push back on the stupid shit Bobo, Steele, or Sykes say?

Robt said...

I erred, this belongs here

Inn my distant diagnosis that you feel is the wrong day to quit Amphetamines.
It is not the absence of Amphetamines. It is that you put t Woke in your cup of Covefe.

My advice, On Amphetamines or not. Never mix Woke with Covefe.

This advice is free of charge............

pagan in repose said...

What a freaking putz. The enormity of his putzness is beyond calculation. And yet
he just keeps chooglin on down to the NYT and they keep on keepin on printing the unprintable
babble of if it had any meaning at all. Some day when they finally calculate the extent of the damage to the human brain that can occur from reading the scribblings of Brooks "The Putz" maybe the NYT will include a warning label on their paper. At least as a common curtsy to the general public. Think of the children, for goodness sake!

Jon Sitzman said...

Good morning, DG and BG! Hope I am not writing you too much.

If you'd like some humor this Monday morning, how's this for a start:


(1) Elon first, as he warned, removed blue checks from everyone not paying; then - for reasons known only to his galaxy-brain self - reinstated blue checks for not only all the formerly verified celebs and public figures but many DEAD ONES as well. Zombie bird! Zombird? (Seriously, Elon, what the fuck? Are you actually doing this for comedic value?)

(2) In case I genuinely entertained for even one second the thought that this was some sort of big-brain-person humor, OH DIVINE DOG would this next point dispel that notion: Twitter granted a GOLD checkmark, not just a blue, to a fake Disney account known for posting racial slurs. CLASSY, ELON! (Twitter also gave the NYT its blue check back, further indicating a lack of discernment and taste if you ask me.)

(3) Times columnist Paul Krugman twitted that while he got his blue check back, he damned sure wasn't paying for it. Elon's personal response? To tweet back a crying baby. Again - CLASSY. (Also, projection!)

In sum: Absurdly rich idiot continues to publicly beclown himself, giving further evidence that wealth absolutely does not denote moral worth, intelligence, or perceptiveness.

The abysmally foolish image of the billionaire as crass-but-awesome genius (in the rough mold of Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark) desperately Needs To Die. Billionaires are human, with all the flaws that entails. Normally, they're unusually greedy (their wealth is a bellwether for that if nothing else). And Elon in particular is a blithering idiot who's been effortlessly ensnared by crazy-wing conservatives (a.k.a. ambulatory barf bags), which speaks very poorly of his own judgment and insight.

In good news, references to this humble blog are, slightly, proliferating on DKos. The word is getting out, y'all! Keep doing what you're doing!

Thanks for all you do.

Jon Sitzman said...

Oh my goodness.

Mr. and Ms. Glass, please permit me to hopefully make you very happy.

Please read this article.

I'm looking for more confirmation now. Seems - crossing everything I can cross in public, and some, ahem, other things - to be real.

(Yes, I know the asshole will be on Newsmax 15 seconds after he walks out of Fox for the last time - I'll still take the win.)

Stay safe and thanks for all you do!