Saturday, February 11, 2023

Today In Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions, Bret Stephens Asks...

Today's question comes to us from New York Times Conservative Opinion Haver, Bret "Bug" Stephens who asks:

How to Destroy (What’s Left of) the Mainstream Media’s Credibility

By Bret Stephens

The question-mark is implied.

The answer, of course, is that if you want "Destroy (What’s Left of) the Mainstream Media’s Credibility", by all means continue to employ tedious frauds like Bret Stephens as Conservative Opinion Havers at newspapers like The New York Times.  

I'll spare you a long, dull slog through Stephens' on-the-one-hand-but-on-the-other-handing and take you right to the dessert buffet where we find yet another ultra-privileged, straight, white, male Conservative coastal elitist pouting for the millionth time about how cruelly the Liberal media (for which he works) mocks and short-sheets the MAGA humps out here where I live in the middle of Middle America.

Finally, the purpose of journalism in a democracy is not just about reporting. It’s also about listening. “A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself,” Arthur Miller once remarked. Downie and Heyward are right that more diverse newsrooms can help readers gain the perspectives of people from marginalized communities, which don’t always have large megaphones of their own. But that listening must also extend to the sorts of Americans much of the mainstream media now sees, at best, as a foreign tribe, and at worst, grave threats to democracy itself: people like religious conservatives, home-schoolers, gun owners and Trump supporters.

Right now, much of mainstream journalism is failing at that task by treating this part of America with tut-tutting condescension and name-calling (“racist,” “misinformer,” “-phobic” and so on). One purpose of objectivity in reporting is that it can push the news media to listen to all kinds of people without casting moral aspersions — while allowing those people to see and hear themselves represented in the media in a way that isn’t belittling or disparaging.

Those poor, poor MAGA humps with nary a single voice in the media that speaks their thoughts and shares their values

Well, nary a single voice except Fox News.  And Fox Business.  And Fox & Friends.  And Fox Nation.

And The Wall Street Journal. 

And Newsmax. 

And OANN. 

And the Salem Media Group. 

And the Sinclair Broadcast Group‎. 

And The First. 

And The Babylon Bee. 

And Blaze Media. 

And Breitbart News‎. 

And The Daily Caller. 

And The Daily Signal. 

And The Daily Wire. 

And The Blaze. 

And The Federalist. 

And Parler. 

And Hot Air. 

And Joe Rogan. 

And of course a hundred streaming shows like Steve Bannon's War Room

And also of course all the Conservative talk radio programs that are on all day, every day, from coast to coast with hosts like Glenn Beck, Monica Crowley, Larry Elder, Hugh Hewitt, Mark Levin, Dave Ramsey, Dana Loesch and Mike Huckabee. 

And also, also of course the Conservative voices that have long since colonized half-or-more of the op-ed pages in major newspapers. 

And then there's 4Chan.

And 8Chan. 

And is there a 16Chan yet? 

And Truth Social. 

And Regnery Publishing‎. 

And Prager U. 

And Gays Against Groomers. 

And The Washington Examiner. 

And The Washington Free Beacon. 

And The Western Journal. 

And, increasingly, CNN.

And, increasingly, MSNBC.

And WorldNetDaily. 

And Real America's Voice. 

And Real News Update. 

And Rumble.  

And, of course,  most of these same people and organization have massive followings on FaceBook, Instagram and Twitter.

And do you know what all of them have in common?  They're all telling the MAGA humps where I live, 24/7,  how awfully they've been treated at the hand of Liberal tyrants like me, and how ruthlessly silenced and mocked and canceled they've been by those Big City Liberal newspapers that none of them fucking read or care about.  

But if Bret Bug is really that concerned about the plight of the MAGA humps out there in unexplored wilds beyond the Hudson River -- MAGA humps who have been cruelly deprived of proper media representation -- I have a solution.

He and David Brooks and David French and Ross Douthat and, ugh, Pamela Paul can cast lots to see which of them will give up their premium seat at the Gray Lady so that The Times can add Christopher Rufo or Charlie Kirk or Candace Owens to their Conservative op-ed roll of honor.   

I Am The Liberal Media


Ian said...

"And is there a 16Chan yet?"

There it is, your opportunity to make the big bucks.

Lawrence said...

The Times must have noticed people asking over the last couple of weeks "Hey, NYT, why are you whipping up a pogrom against a tiny and vulnerable minority?" Because I got a message in my gmail "Come read @NYT: We Are Trans People and Please Hear Our Story."
Paywall, so not gonna. But interesting.

Robt said...

Charlie Chan is already taken.

So sad there first amendment rights are being tyrannized.

Suppressed, silence of the lambs country.

As my Direct TV has discontinued OAN and is discontinuing NewsMax.
Even though the house GOP are up in arms pits and decided to use Government to tell Direct TV to keep them on and pay them the increased fees they want. The GOP will be advocating for Russian TV station as they are failing.
These are the same people that corrupted the SCOTUS to rule in favor of Citizens United which legalized corporations and our wealthy oligarchs to purchase our representative voices from our congressmen.

Oh wait, they call it lobbying.

Dave McCarthy said...

They're being CENSORED, I tells ya!

Davis said...

Is he aware of the many Cletus Safaris his own paper has done? Plus The Washington Post. Mocking the MAGAs? Is Driftglass now part of the mainstream media? Congratulations?

Freddy said...

It’s like that quote: “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” The right has so relentlessly repeated the “liberal media” bromide over the years it’s become a rite default setting for even how the media itself frames this shit.

Anonymous said...

>>> Right now, much of mainstream journalism is failing at that task by treating this part of America with tut-tutting condescension and name-calling (“racist,” “misinformer,” “-phobic” and so on).

Who? Who is doing that?

It's almost certainly my own filter, but all I see is mainstream and legacy outlets sucking up to the people Mr. Stephens claims are being judged.

Robt said...

There is a lame side of media and there is a lame side of media consumers.

How the press allows the spewing of Russia going to war with Ukraine after Biden elated.

We know, Trump's extortion call to Ukraine was doing him a favor (implicating Biden of false charges) for Trump to hand over "MILITARY AID".

Military aid for Ukraine because, Russia had already invaded northern Ukraine (not to exempt Crimea).

Obama let Wall Street crash our economy in 2007 and then with socialism bailed out Wall street .

Things like this they entertain without mentioning all the childish GOP playground crap as his birth certificate, )Mr president, why not release it and show them).

A secret Muslim. And now Sen Scott who is the biggest rip off artist of Medicare when he was CEO of that insurance company can abase free speech and on TV. Tell us all that Biden has cut Medicare.

The Pro life free markets republicans who, tell us let the free market resolve our problems and Thoughts and prayers with each mass shooting.

Why didn't they pray with thoughts over abortion instead of stacking a SCOTUS to stop it for them.

They didn't let the mystical hands of the free market resolve their Trade war with China or banning assault weapons.
They can do things about that but what others ask for , thoughts and prayers. I did not hear Justice Sam Alito invoke his deeply held personal religious beliefs with thoughts and prayers over the asserted threat of his life over the Document leak he says occurred.

No thoughts and prayers and no stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a fun or an armed society is a polite society.
He cried and whined and demanded more personal security that the ret of use must pay for.