Saturday, February 11, 2023

Republican Party Status Report, February 2023: I Have Spells. I'm Going to Fly.

They spent decades talking themselves into a hermetically sealed fantasy world full of ogres and soroses and Sekrit Commie Liberal plots behind everything.

Now they're frantically trying to defenestrate the entire country on the theory that it'll purge the country of ogres and soroses and Sekrit Commie Liberals, while they themselves will be saved thanks to their imaginary magical ability to fly.

I Am The Liberal Media


Robt said...

All the white supremacists and Mr. 3 shirts. Trump called him Sloppy Steve.
Who committed to the belief while burning documents in the white house with Mark meadows. Burning it all down and what would rise from the fireplace ashes?

Well nothing to incriminate them.

Unlike a forest fire that in time may remain vegetation froth again.
The idea is, destroying it all will allow and naturally put them in control and in charge of the greatest pile of ashes to build pyramids with. In their name.

Neo Tuxedo said...

"I am the Maze Controller. [...] And I have absolute authority..."

Was Melissa Mathison, or whoever, referencing that when they wrote "I'm the Dungeon Master, I have absolute power" into E.T. the extra-terrestrial? The timing is right.

Kevin Holsinger said...

Is the fact that I'm getting a blank area under the headline meant to be a commentary on said headline? :)