Wednesday, February 15, 2023

George Santos Is The Republican Party


Santos is a ill-fitting, nearly human-looking, rapidly-decomposing skin suit stretched over a bottomless hellmouth of fraud, lies and madness.  

But the grip of the Republican ghouls who nominally above him is so precarious that they are hostage to his support, so they say nothing and change the subject.

And despite the fact that every sentient being on the planet can plainly see this ambulatory bunco disease-vector for what he is, institutionalist hacks continue to root around in their thesauri for some way to either describe this as goofy-but-normal, or as some glitch in the political matrix that the normies will fix, or that, y'know, Both Sides yadda yadda yadda.

This cycle of denial followed by temporizing followed by distraction followed by catastrophe followed by denial followed by temporizing followed  by distraction followed by catastrophe followed by the nothing more or less than the operating system of the Republican party and its enablers in the media, running exactly as designed, just as it has been running for the past +40 years. 

Santos in/George Santos out.  

I Am The Liberal Media


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good afternoon, Mr. Glass.

Having never seen the movie, why did my mind look at that picture and immediately go to Jerry Lewis' "The Nutty Professor?"

Don't get me wrong. It's a great graphic. Me justs has problems with thinking box.

Best to you and your loved ones.

Ian said...

Edgar just kept asking for sugar... sugar water. Does that sound strange to you?

Robt said...

Starting in the Newt rein of the GOP waste land.

Is when GOP purging began If my memory is correct.

The GOP developed list of character flaws that would go along with their elusive ideology.
With heritage foundation Federalist society, the Rushbo
all created a list of beliefs the republicans had to position themselves and stand for (on).
For the most these items were actually against other things not for something.
The list has been added to and the character flaws been given disguises, excuses. The only Ethereality of this ideology reduced to a check list to qualify as a GOPer. has only become more extreme, it is displayed in their desparate need for media control to propagandize and the free and openly being justification from their media mopes.
leaving people like me to see no difference between Lindsey Graham to Kevin McCarthy mongrel traitor Greene to Steve Bannon to Tucker. With George Santos (or whatever his name is), are all the same.
They like to tell you they are individuals who represent their districts or states. What they mean is their donors, their GOP tree house club gang members, themselves and those in their states and districts that only agree with them.

dave said...

santos is the result of the great republican experiment. that governance is an unexploited resource that can be stolen with little effort if there is not shame nor accountability.

a conversion of the long hustle...doing work that benefits the electorate to the short hustle; lie, steal, cheat and grift.

lake, santos, trump and yes, even sinema all have the same super power...they don't give a rat's ass for the hooples they exploit...we are, to them, like sheep.

pagan in repose said...

Driftglass that would make a great, short and concise editorial, in some newspaper somewhere in the world. Hope can be eternal...