Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Ep 694 No Fair Remembering Stuff Podcast: In Days of Old When Blogs Were Bold...Part 1,

"What Digby Said."   -- Every Blogger, 2008

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Robt said...

After listening in to this episode. I want to thank you for sharing Digby's post .
The taking a stand to an opposition that has used demonizing of others to create enemies they can point and blame anyone's flat tire they got on the way to work that made them late.

The liberal /conservative differences can be defined by our founding of the country. When liberals chose to defy the Kings rule. Which led to revolutionary war to break away.

Our initial founders were very liberal for the time.

To me, and I can give references. It was liberals of the day who broke from English rule and conservatives who chose to remain true to the king.
Remaining under the King's rule undermined althea sacrifice and effort fleeing England to America in the first place.
Our conservative NAZI colluding American "Q" self proclaimed patriots are the ones willing to trash our constitution they say they are the defenders of. And do it for one dude. (Trump).
Like the deeply faithful of God and Jesus were willing to substitute Jim Jones.
By the way, there were numerous times a GOPers with zealotry enthusiasm boasting f GW's Iraq war. In discussions would find himself demeaning my military service (Actual in war as well as serving in peace time), to elevate 5 deferment war hero , Dick Cheney. Oh, they so loved themilitary...! Except when it did not fit in their imaginary head.
No differerent than demeaning Dixie Chicks or John Kerry.

They love the military when their going to war with clean uniforms and all their arms and legs. They love the military during campaigns and they will love to cite the military for their excuses of doing something rotten. They will come out and tell you they love the military while campaigning at a veterans day celebration.
But if that military person is not a republican. Well for them, that is not the military.
It is like when they invoke the words, "for the American people" Who are those American people?
Their wealthy donors, Their Jim Hones GOP voters. Everyone else is not an American.
This should be clear by now.

Denny said...

Gr8 one. I had forgotten just how far we have gone, and it's good to be reminded that we are not without the strength to prevail in an increasingly deadly game of unregulated capitalism and Citizens United.

dinthebeast said...

The first political blog I ever read was in 2004 (I think) it was called "On Lisa Rein's Radar" and I read it because I happened to know Lisa Rein. On her blog I learned some new and interesting names like "Rachel Maddow" and "Jon Stewart" and a few others. She, as I recall, was not kind to MSNBC's programming choices (I think that to be the first place I ever saw Chris Matthews referred to as "Tweety"). Her blog still exists on the web, but hasn't been posted to since 2010, another of those depressing years.
I think I first found Blue Gal's blog on Digg.com, and she urged everyone reading her blog to go vote for some guy who called himself driftglass for the weblog awards.
I guess you could say that those were the first steps in my radicalization.

-Doug in Sugar Pine