Wednesday, January 04, 2023

If Never Trumpers Are Going to Continue Ripping Us Off...

...I think the very least they could do is promote our podcast, or just pay us a generous retainer for doing their thinking for them.

Here we find Messers Charlie Sykes and Tom Nichols, who are famous for going along with Republican depravity and pretending not to notice that their Republican party was full of Republicans until Trump and his zombie army ran them out of the place, and for freaking out whenever some uppity Liberal brings up their wretched opinions and sneering denialism during the Before Time...mocking all those other shameless Republican hacks who pretend the past never happened and that they played no part in the Republican party being the drunken goat rodeo it is today.

Charlie Sykes:  And [the GOP House clusterfuck] actually alarms and outrages, believe it or not, because irony is dead, Newt Gingrich.  This is the former speaker, bomb thrower, Newt Gingrich...who just can't imagine how things have gotten so bad.  Let's play Newt.

Clip of Gingrich:  "So this is a fight between a handful of people and the entire rest of the conference.  And they're saying they have the right to screw up everything.  Well the precedent that sets is, so do the moderates, so do the members from Florida.  I mean any five people can get up and say, well, I'm now going to screw up the conference too. The choice is Kevin McCarthy or chaos.  And I thinks it's a remarkably short-sighted and candidly selfish position, and I don't understand where they're coming from."

Sykes (laughing):  He has no idea.

Tom Nichols:  Wow!  He doesn't understand...

Sykes laughing.

Nichols: I didn't think the leopards would eat my face.

Sykes:  So with all due respect, fuck you Newt.

Nichols laughing.

Sykes: And all of these people are going, "Well this is just really terrible.  They, y'know, "These people are doing this to Kevin McCarthy" after decades of encouraging and enabling people like this.  Of nurturing and rewarding the bomb-throwers, the demagogues, the people whose main goal in life is to get clicks and to sow chaos, who have no interest whatsoever in passing any legislation. 

driftglass:  Decades during which Charlie Sykes was a very active and well-paid participant in all of it.  

Sykes:  And suddenly they're all going around saying "Who are these people!  This is just terrible! Don't they know what this place is really all about?!?"  I mean, really.  Newt Gingrich, like, "Imagine, y'know, people who are actually trying to disrupt the House of Representatives and do these terrible things."  [Sykes trails off laughing]

Nichols: You know you had mentioned you were going to have this clip from Newt Gingrich... but that clip is... is one for the ages because of the indignation in Newt's voice as if he had just landed here, y'know, as a first term member of congress, and not the guy who ran seminars in political bomb-throwing.  I love that line!  "It's either Kevin or chaos!"  The chaos arrived, dude, and you midwifed a lot of that chaos.  To see Newt Gingrich complaining about chaos and decorum and, y'know, party [inaudible].  Wow!

driftglass:  During the early 1990s, pre-existing Republican rage and paranoia and racism did indeed kick into high gear.   And Gingrich was indeed the midwife of much of that chaos.  Which begs the question, did staunch, life-long Republican Tom Nichols know all this during the 1990s, the 2000s, the 2010s but was cool with it until 2017 when he bailed on the GOP?  Or was he just completely clueless during all the decades leading up to the rise of Donald Trump and only find out about Newt Gingrich from reading my blog on the downlow?

Sykes: Maybe truth is the first casualty, but the second is any sort of self-awareness on these [people's] part.

Nichols: Or shame.  I really believe the superpower of modern Republicans is is the complete -- it's like somebody went in and just severed the nerve that has shame-impulses carries on it.  I mean, it is a powerful thing, right, to be able to be in public life and not feel any shame at all.  And over the weekend there was an excellent piece by Nick Confessore and the team at The New York Times about the emergence of Elise Stefanik. 

driftglass:  Wait for it...

Nichols: Y'know, again, the thing you notice is there's absolutely no capability to feel shame. 

driftglass:  Here it comes.

Nichols: There's no sense of history or of ever having held a position that was ever [inaudible] I mean, it's astonishing.  

Sykes: No memory!  That never happened!

Nichols: And also everything I said is completely consistent.  

Sykes: And everything I said in the past, well that doesn't count.  Who are you talking about here.  It's gaslighting 24/7.

I give it two months until The Bulwark spins up a podcast called "No Fair Remembering Inconvenient Things".  

It'll get 1 million downloads per episode, rake in six figures in ad revenue and will be celebrated every week on MSNBC :-)

I Am the Motherfucking Shore Patrol!


Anonymous said...

Well, said it before but I'll say it again: if my little family should ever happen to somehow impossibly win a big lottery, you'll get your money megaphone. Goodness knows you deserve it, and would put it to better use than the NT-Republican shitheels.

Your description of NT-Rs as dry-drunk Republicans really hit home for me, because... well, because that's exactly what they are. Virtually no aspect of their behavior has changed except they took off the "R" label. They're not "former" any Dogdamned thing. They're still Republicans, they just don't like the Trump stench. They don't like that the quiet part got said out loud in a way nobody can really ignore, or broom under the rug, any more.

In slightly less morose news - I don't care much for Adam Kinzinger, but he did at least have the basic decency to lambast Charlie Kirk for trying to turn Damar Hamlin's on-field cardiac event into anti-vaxx propaganda.

Here's the Shitter post if you want to view or repost it:

And this:

I can give credit where due: it's nice that Kinzinger uses Shitter to say some decent things. (No, I don't think he's a friend or ally.)

Thanks for all you do. Sorry for rambling a bit.

Robt said...

It was some time ago. I was surging the net on politics. Came across Sykes when he was a radio dude. As the Rush of Wisconsin AM radio.

He was taking calls and his callers in all, where having fall outs with Sykes on air.
Sykes , who baked and frosted Scot Walker and that entire State GOP to the reality orphans of the GOP vase of Wisconsin.

It got so bad he had to stop taking calls, even screened calls because the GOP base in the state were irritated something fierce over Gov. Walker's agenda that harmed them and not just the dreadful Libs that they wanted ( led to believe they wanted), the Walker state government to punish those Libs as if they were on death row.
Sykes had to take positions on air to defend Scot Walker and his GOP Klan. His faithful hate feeders were done with Sykes. They told him so on air in brutal words.
Sykes lost his appeal and was unable to herd the zombie horde.
He lost his radio show because he lost his listeners.

Sykes couldn't even sell his schtick to FOX, not even at the red eye hour.
I have never found mush incorporation Sykes could pass on valuable enough and reliable enough to listen to him blab.
To many other sources more trustworthy and more interesting. Just ranking on GOP doesn't thrill unless it has some context worth the blast.

Sykes plays the MSNBC role as the indie conservative thought membrane and is nothing but a paid rat ass interpreter for the GOP.
He has never offered up much of anything I did not already learn, has not delved into the inside to provide a scoop. He speaks of the obvious and likes to , when he can. Tell us it was never like that when he was growing up into a right wing hate radio host.

Sykes like many republicans, breast fed the hate babies. Nurtured them. Punted them at their targets and yelled, "sick 'em".

It is like when I walk down a sidewalk and se someone's chewing gum they spit out on the walk. I just step around it. Not in it.

Unknown said...

Sykes: "Maybe truth is the first casualty, but the second is any sort of self-awareness on these [people's] part."

Yeah, this is what really angries up the blood. Beyond infuriating.

"I Am the Motherfucking Shore Patrol!"

Good. Keep the fires burning.

Batman 54 said...

One could say "these shitheads have all the self awareness of a dog licking it's ass in public."