Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Life, Who Dis.

This is the opening sentence of Mr. David Brooks' column today on the subject of George Santos..
What would it be like to be so ashamed of your life that you felt compelled to invent a new one?
And here is the same Mr. David Brooks in 2010 pretending he never wrote all the slanderous, toxic, Lib-hating swill that he definitely did write during the run-up to the Bush's Iraqi Clusterfuck?


And here is a quick transcript of the same Mr. David Brooks denying he ever wrote any anti-divorce columns after his own, carefully concealed divorce became public.

What sort of people are so ashamed of their lives that they feel compelled to invent new ones?

Christ, Brooks, they're everywhere.

Have you met Matthew Dowd?  The pious man-baby who built a network teevee career out of being the King of Both Sides Do It political journalism during the 2016 presidential election?  He was the guy who used his position as ABC News' chief political correspondent to urge voters to "Disrupt the System!" and overthrow the K'rupt Duopoly by voting third party.

He was positively rabid on the subject.  Would not let it go.

And then, when it all turned to shit, Mr. Dowd pretended that none of it ever happened and became, almost overnight, Mr. How Could Any Sane Person Actually Believe This 'Both Sides' Bullshit.  He nuked his entire Twitter archive to eradicate all that embarrassing history, and automatically blocks anyone who brushes even lightly up against his past.  

So why isn't Mr. Dowd pilloried for lying about his past?  For inventing an entirely new persona?  Because he has friends in the media who will cover for him.  Friends in the media who are all participating, to a greater or lesser degree, in the mass falsification of a very inconvenient past.

Like, say, Joe Scarborough, who, almost overnight, went from being one of Donald Trump's most reliable media fluffers, advisors, speech coached and Mar-a-Lago Rat swearing that he had alway been Donald Trump's harshest critic?  

And how does he continue to get away with it?  To slightly misquote Ned Beatty from Network, because he's on teevee dummy!

And what about the entire Never Trump movement?  Loyal Republicans all, who spent their entire professional lives building the GOP Monster Machine that created Donald Trump and mocking anyone who warned them that hey were playing with fire...and have spent the past six years pretending to be utterly shocked that their Republican party is full of Republicans.  That it somehow, suddenly lost its collective mind, the whys and wherefores of which have nothing to do with them.

And how does they continue to not only get away with it, but profit handsomely thereby?  As I've already said, ery bluntly, it's because they have friends in the media who are all participating to a greater or lesser degree in the mass falsification of a very inconvenient past.

And what about the entire Fake Tea Party Movement that (as predicted) turned out to be nothing but a massive a rebranding scam for Republicans who didn't want to take responsibility for the eight years of catastrophe under Bush that they had so relentlessly cheerled?  Once again, almost overnight, Bush-loving Republicans just up and vanished like farts in a firestorm, and were replaced by millions of newly-minted "constitutional Conservatives" and "independents" who all looked and sounded exactly like the same, old racist scumbag Republicans except they swore they'd never even heard of George Bush.

Truth be told, if I had to pick one lesson above all others that both Republicans and pundits have taken to heart over the past 40 years it's that, as long as the mainstream media cooperates, the past can be treated as little more than an Etch-a-Sketch -- a slate which can be erased and rewritten however often and in whatever way you wish.  In fact, 12 years ago I wrote a whole long thing about this very subject that concluded with...

For one thing, of course, had remained just the same
The Left and their schemes were always to blame.
Because there is no need to be careful or watch what you say
When your past is as squashy as modeling clay.


Memory Is The Liberal Superpower


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

Wouldn't it be ironic if Mr. Brooks simply entered a fugue state, and that's why he acts like he never was the person he was?

Best to you and your loved ones.

dinthebeast said...

When I saw that DFB had said that, I thought "That should be good for a Driftglass post, anyway."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

One thing I am positive about with this George Santos.

He is a republican.