Thursday, December 15, 2022

Elmo Continues Cornfielding His Critics

What, you thought this was a fair fight?  

Getting suspended by Elmo Mush is beginning to enjoy the same kind of cachet that being on Nixon's Enemies List once had.

Which makes Bari Weiss, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi Elmo's Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Mitchell.

I Am The Liberal Media


Robt said...

The superior race does not need nor require help from anyone.

When you know it all, when you are the smartest, the wealthiest, The single highest intelligence ever known.

There is no need or usefulness for hired help. Because you can do it all by yourself. having a ego which controls you and restricts your ability to ask for help, to hear and take in advice . The ability to be enhanced by someone other than oneself.

The Crypto cash market was taken and now the deck of playing cards with fantasy photos of yourself on the cards market is now taken.
Where can an Elon go when the Twitter gives him the bird.

Thing is. If Trump says he is a stable genius and Ely Muck is a master of the Universe. There have been others like Bush's brain (Rove), El Rushbo (of the Golden EIB), Hitler, The great war general Putin, Judge Gorsuch, Judge Kavanaugh, Comy Barret Each and every Bond villain.

They told us each of these are the most brilliant, smartest greatest people of our time. Each one is individually the greatest. But if we put them in the same classroom and grade them. Who would be the true Ultra great? They cannot all be the best of the best.
The Highlander Rule, there can be only one.

Ok said...

Maybe you meant corn holing journalists?

dinthebeast said...

I read that he has reinstated the journalists' accounts, but blocked links to Mastodon. I think he may be getting concerned about the money he's losing.
Shoulda stuck with the rockets.

-Doug in Sugar Pine