Friday, August 26, 2022

The Radical Left Loved it When That Chick Stole The Plans To That Thing

But when Trump does it even more awesomely, suddenly he's the Bad Guy.



I Am The Liberal Media


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

The FBI raided President Law & Order's planet of Alderaan!

Best to you and your loved ones.

Robt said...

AS re[ported , the greatest republican ever to walk the Earth
is not that wealthy compared to the actual wealthy.

He does display the autocratic Aristocratic mentality.

Their sheltered rearing with the instilled superiority for being born to such wealth.

As the man child learned early in childhood that there is nothing that can stop him from getting his way. All he has to do is cry and pout in public and embarrass his parents enough and be unruly enough to cause others to cave and comply.

Can't imagine how unfairly he was treated in 4 grade at his elite private school to shield him from exposure from the chattel. When he received a low grade that was already padded because of being a child of wealth paying to attend their school baby sitting curriculum.
The teachings witch hunting me DAD, I worked hard and they are after me. So mom and dad pay a bonus to the school for a better grade the mand child learned how to get his way throughout his rearing years.

And Americans are being stuck with these damaged kids of the earthy elite being shoved on us.
Bad enough the GOP like McConnell who wants to be like them but is not a pure blood born to wealth, Has no royal blood but still strives to act like them and be accepted by them.

There are many trials and tribulations people go through in the Bible's stories. (If you are in to it). If a God created it all, why would he create a fly that lays eggs around a person's eyes that its larvae gets into the eyes of his beloved man he created in his own image. That this fly larvae its it's way through the human eye and leaves the person/ child blind?
Why would he create such a creature as Trump to put us through trials and tribulations while he decries all the trials and tribulations we put him through?

Lawrence said...

We have a flag on the play. Grievous insult to the memory of Carrie Fisher. Reader declines the penalty. Still second down.

Really, though, how off their game are they that Reality Winner and Chelsea Manning aren't the counterattack?

Robt said...

Did you hear?

If "they" (authorities and law enforcement) , can do this to Trump. They can do this to you.

And if you stole someone else's property and caught red handed with the good.

Yes they will confiscate it.

If I stole your car. Damn right. They can come for me too.

The problem is, I didn't do any thieving. He did.

That is why they are not coming to do it to me.