Sunday, August 28, 2022

Say My Name

Funny thing is, broke-ass Ronna has an uncle who is not only very wealthy, but very Republican as well.  In fact, he's serving in the U.S. Senate right now and has been know to raise and spend enormous amounts of money on doomed Republican campaigns.   

So it kinda makes one wonder...

Brrring, brrring.

Mitt Romney:  Ahoy-hoy.  New blower. To whom am I speaking?

Ronna:  It's your niece.

Romney:  Is this Madison?

Ronna:  No.

Romney:  Christina?

Ronna:  No.

Romney:  Is this Margo Lynn or maybe Jenn having a bit of sport? 

Ronna:  No.

Romney:  Is this Craig or Matt or Ben or Tagg playing a funny voice trick?

Ronna:  No.

Romney:  Then you've stumped me.  Is this one of those prank phone-calls one hears about in the news?  Are you about to ask me about Prince Albert being trapped in a can or if my SubZero PRO Refrigerator/Freezer is running, which are both very funny jokes, but...

Ronna:  No, Uncle Mitt, this is your niece Ronna, and I need to speak to you about something very important.  

Romney:  Don't seem to remember a "Ronna" in the bunch?  

Ronna:  I'm Ronna.  Ronna McDaniel.  I'm your brother Scott's daughter.  I've been to your house a thousand times.  I'm the Republicans Party's national chair and the party is in deep trouble and needs your help.

Romney: But you're not  Madison?  Christina?

Ronna:  No.

Romney: Then I am very confused.  Why would you, whoever you are, bring your troubles to my door?  

Ronna:  Because I'm the Republicans Party's national chair and you're one of the party's leaders and, frankly, we're out of money and need all the help you can give us raising funds in a hurry or we're going to get creamed in the Fall.

Romney: Language, please, whoever you are.  We do not say "creamed" in this house.  

Ronna:  Sorry.

Romney: And now I'm doubly confused.  You call me up, swearing like a McCain, to ask for money?  I thought the party had plenty of money  Pretty much all of the rich people love us.  Corporations love us.  Didn't we give them two trillion in tax cuts and all the PPP "loans" they asked for?

Ronna:  Yes we did. 

Romney: Then the party should have plenty of money.  That's how this works.  Where did it all go?

Ronna:  Well, we put Rick Scott in charge of the Senate campaign funds and...

Romney: Scott?  You gave that Medicare cheat the Senate checkbook?  

Ronna:  ...and then there's Trump.  

Romney: Language, young lady.  I already warned you once.  We do not say "Trump" in this house.  

Ronna: Sorry.  

Romney: Sounds like quite a pickle.

Ronna [beginning to tear up]: It is.  

Romney: And what did you say your name was? 

Ronna:  I'm Ronna.  Ronna McDaniel. 

Romney:  Is that your full name?

Ronna [gulping hard]:  No 

Romney:  What's your full name?

Ronna:  Ronna Romney McDaniel. 

Romney: Ah.  That rings a bell.  And who am I?

Ronna:  You're the senior senator from Utah.   

Romney: Say my name.  

Ronna is silent.

Romney: I'm the money.  I'm the man you came to to save you from your folly because you've run out of options.  

Ronna is silent.

Romney: Say my name.  

Ronna:   Willard...

Romney: "Senator" Willard.  Say my name.  

Ronna:   Senator Willard...Mitt....Romney.

Romney: You're god damn right!


I Am The Liberal Media.

1 comment:

Robt said...

To my surprise, The Ronna has that daddy characteristic of vulture capitalism in her.

For her , like Daddy Mitt. The Mormon thing to when you see a organization with money. Figure out how to get the money out of it.

Look, I realized when Citizens United was decided by the court of Leo the Lenard Lazarus.

There would be no use of paarty officials, campaign managers ,or ever relying on some other PAC. Wealthy can now run their own PAC and send dark money straight to the sources , bypassing the party 's dignitaries.

I know one thing, GOP gets power of majority, they will sell America off as much as possible. If bankruptcy is considered, they will want to use tax dollars to bail themselves out. They did it for their wealthy donors.
Stocking up on popcorn for the next J^ public hearings.