Saturday, June 04, 2022

Wingnut Welfare Crowns a New Queen

From the Newsmax article:

“I have been friends with [Newsmax CEO] Chris Ruddy for years, and he is giving me this great opportunity to return, giving me the complete freedom to cover the news that really matters to people,” Van Susteren said. “I have been impressed by Newsmax’s team and their success, and would love to be part of a news network that is really growing.”

Chris Ruddy?  Chris Ruddy?

Now why do I know that name?

Oh yeah.  Now I remember.

And who was right there to welcome her to the Manson Newsmax Family?  None other than disgraced sex pervert and one of Van Susteren's former Fox News colleagues,  Eric Bolling!

Remember when everybody at MSNBC from Joe Scarborough to Rachel Maddow lined up to try and sell the idea that throwing a big bag of money at Van Susteren and giving her her own show was a super awesome idea because Van Susteren was such a super awesome journalist?  

And how quickly all of that mandatory corporate bonhomie evaporated once Van Susteren's ratings tanked, she lost her MSNBC gig and had to go back to feeding red meat to bigots and imbeciles to make her daily bread?

Because I do.  Cable Teevee Has No Memory: Morning Joe Edition

I Am The Liberal Media


Ian said...

The wingnut welfare train cannot fail, it can only be failed.

Hal Rager said...

If only someone would have explained to me "The Path to Eternal Wing–Nut Employment" when I was young. Too bad I had a greater then room temperature IQ.

Lee said...

I remember Rachel Maddow throwing out the welcome mat for Greta and Megyn. Cured me of nightly Maddow fix. Realized then it's a game to them all. Even the one's supposedly on our side.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC is not our friend.

Robt said...

I will avidly be watching the lawn grow because, at least there is one thing I learn from it verses watching Right wing media.

When I watch the lawn grow, I learn when it needs mowed, edged, fertilized, seeded, watered

Watching right wing media, I learn that I already knew that I have involuntary reflexes that turns the channel.

Sort of like Acid reflux. It automatically happens