Thursday, April 28, 2022

Professional Left Podcast #648

"No Mama! I'm too old for the tiny pants!!"
-- Johnny Bravo 
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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Hal Rager said...

Even better than usual! Perhaps because the levels of discontent rival my own and I'm not particularly safe for work these days - if I ever was. I've been listening since right before you became 'The Professional Left' (mid-2010?) and we lived in Las Vegas, Nevada. We shared stories about kids on the spectrum.
This is after Bush v. Gore, 8 years of #43, the debacle of 2008 and the subsequent leaving 'Main Street' to twist in the wind while 'Wall Street' was bailed out. Then I heard John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) in the back of my mind saying, "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"
Things got worse, I got even less safe for work, yadda, yadda. Still listening from Colorado and you're even better!
Great episode!!

dinthebeast said...

Wise move to give Blue Gal the floor when the subject of rape pregnancies comes around. I still remember when she said that if it was her daughter not only would she want it aborted, but she'd want to rip it out and stomp on it.
That was the moment when Briana started listening to this podcast.
My friend Sara in Huntsville got ahold of me again, saying she has pictures of a cat named RBG and a short bio of the cat to go with them. This is not the first time lately that she has teased me with the prospect of cat pictures (Sara used to be the go-to for cat pictures) and apparently she has been somewhat distracted lately, with her parents' health issues and as she admitted in our brief phone call yesterday "There is a man in my life and there is a ring and we need to talk more about it when you're not grocery shopping."
The news is getting somewhat depressing lately, especially US politics, but I read a thing about Russia and Ukraine yesterday that was less so: apparently with the lend/lease program in place, the economic heft behind Ukraine's war effort is roughly equal to that of Russia's, meaning there really is a chance they could outright win the war.
Let's be clear that there are never really winners in war, only aggressors and defenders, losers all from the first shot fired, but the idea of Russia just stomping Ukraine out of existence is getting less and less inevitable by the day, and Joe the fuck Biden deserves a large-ish chunk of credit for that.
Thank you again for the podcast, I'm glad Blue gal's hearing aids are slowly getting paid for. I'd pitch in five bucks myself were it not for the whole not having a car any more thingie, and the associated, how did they say it? Financial uncertainty? Yeah, I think that was it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Freddy said...

Amazing discussion on the Nicole Wallace interview. “Trump gave them something to fight for” was great framing after that really succinct representation of the radicalization of the the right.

Regarding republicans not caring about kids dying: when 20 kindergartners are shot to death in a Connecticut elementary school, they react by debating whether or not it was a false flag operation. Insanity.