Friday, April 29, 2022

Today In Not Understanding What 'News' Means: The Daily Caller

He used to know nothing...but now he tells all!

Here is today's big, splashy front page headline at The Daily Caller: 

 Bill Barr Says Trump Should Not Be The GOP Nominee In 2024


Every sentient being with a functioning conscience knows this, but apparently this is Big News at the Caller.

“I don’t think he should be our nominee, the Republican Party nominee, and I think the Republicans have a big opportunity. It would be a big mistake to put him forward,” Barr said on Newsmax’s “Spicer & Co.”

And then, after you have processed the many different layers of week-old gas station sushi awfulness  of Bill Barr... being 'interviewed' by Sean Spicer... at NewsMax, let your eyes glide down to the very next sentence.

“If he was the nominee, then I would vote for him over the Democrat,” Barr added.


We all knew this too, because Bill Barr told America this two months ago when the bookers at the Today Show decided it would be a great idea to give this traitor a platform from which he could pimp his shitty book during their Exclusive!Interview!

Ditto NBC, where Lester Holt decided it would be a great idea to give this traitor a platform from which he could pimp his shitty book during their Exclusive!Interview!

Ditto NPR because it's NPR and Steve Inskeep has never met a GOP hack who he hasn't tried to snuggle up to.

And on and on it it always goes, because the hard work of laundering the reputations of Republican scum is never done.

Well, it's two months later, and now that Barr is at the itchy ass end of his failed book tour, sitting at a NewsMax card table with Sean Spicer trying to sell just one or two more copies of his self-absolving schlock to the meatheads who watch that filth is the best he can hope for before it heads to the WalMart $1 remaindered book bin.

Which, if there were any justice, is where Bill Barr's reputation would be buried and left to rot until the end of time.  

I Am The Liberal Media

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I hear it Trump is urging Putin to nuke Washington DC to decapitate the deep state. Then GOP officials and MAGA militias will take charge in every town and state, along with loyal military, and Trump will rule from Mar a Logo. The big question for most people is how this will effect their 401K and home value. I have some bad news for them. Everything will go to zero, but they will be free.