Monday, April 18, 2022

Matthew Dowd Continues to be a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

This is one of Matthew Dowd's tens of thousands of incriminating Tweets that he has since been deleted because he's a coward who gets very upset when people ask him any questions about relentless spreading of the Both Siderist lie during his many years as ABC News chief political analyst. 

both status quo parties are broken.Saying 1 is worse thanother isn't helpful
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) August 21, 2016

This is Matthew Dowd today:

There is no lesson here except how dangerously easy it is to bury the inconvenient past when you and your friends control the cameras.  

Burn The Lifeboats

1 comment:

Ian said...

Matthew Dowd has always been at war with Eastasia.