Friday, April 01, 2022

It Was All a Lie!

Well, not all of it. 

Just the post I wrote about me landing a job at The Bulwark.  That was a lie.  

Or, if you'd prefer, an April Fool's confection. 

If you've read me for any length of time you know that I don't just burn such bridges, I burn the blueprints of bridges yet to be built, so the odds of me ever being offered a professional writing gig anywhere, much less at the whelping box of the Future GOP, are next to none.

On the other hand, that post got waaaay more comments than anything I've written for years, so there's a lesson in there somewhere.

But other that that one post, pretty much everything else you read here is the truth as I see it. Sometimes exaggerated for dramatic or comic effect, but each true, in its own way.  

For example, it really has been 17 years since I left Steve Gilliard's comment section (at Gilly's urging) and set up shop for myself.  And some days I can feel every minute of those 17 years right down to my bones.

Anyway, you're stuck with me awhile longer.  Tip jar's open if you're of a mind to hit it.  And thanks ever so much for your kind and patient attention for all of these years.

This program was made possible by a generous grant from the Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer foundation.


Anonymous said...

I think it was your best April Fools post to date. And you got so many comments because so many of us think you should have a high paying gig.

RossK said...

Sure hope Mr. G. provided a heaping helping of delicious beer can chicken to tide you over when he kicked you out of the NewsBlog comment nest...

Anonymous said...

You mean they bought you out and sent you back as a columnist.

Anonymous said...

Awww man!... I'd just thought of some sell-out snark to post!

Keith T. said...

Loved your comment about burning the blueprints as well!

pagan in repose said...

I have been reading you since you were in Steve Gilliard's comment section. It was a moment of hope to find Steve Gilliard's blog, and you in the comment section, at the time of political upside downism and down right eveeeeill crap from the Right and the Gingrichism starting to fester and boil.

Keep on keepin' on, as the kids say.

Anonymous said...

I think the commenting engagement on the AF article was more (1) hopeful congratulations at the thought of you and BG having gainful employment in the field of writing and podcasting, both of those being Things You Two Are Good At; and (2) reactions of humor at the hilarity of your obvious AF joke.

Also I was one of those commenters, and I meant what I said: I wish you WOULD get that job, so you could throw wooden shoes in the gears from inside the MSM machine.

Best wishes as always, and thanks for your trenchant, if polemic, commentary on the political media machine. Your humorous exaggerations do not disguise the disgusting truth of the corruption on which you shine needed light. Please keep on keepin' on.