Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says: I Guess Bill Maher Was Busy Edition

While I am not the first to admit when I am wrong, as painful as it can be, I can claim to be the seventh or eighth to admit it when the point has been sufficiently hammered home to me.

So let me say, here and now, that I was wrong about Andrew Sullivan when Tweeted this a couple of weeks ago.  

Wrong, wrong and wrong.

Mr. Sullivan was not invited onto Bill Maher's cable teevee show to say stupid shit.

Mr. Sullivan was invited onto Jon Stewart's cable teevee show to say stupid shit.

From Salon (with a big h/t to Alert Reader KH for bringing this to my attention):

Jon Stewart's all-white panel goes off the rails — and gets interesting 

"It's time for white people to talk and figure some things out," Jon Stewart said to Andrew Sullivan.

"The Problem With Jon Stewart" has been quietly humming along on Apple TV+ — until the show decided to invite conservative pundit Andrew Sullivan to discuss race and racism with an all-white panel.

The recently aired episode titled "Taking Responsibility For Systemic Racism" brought together La Salle University sociology professor Charles "Chip" Gallagher, Lisa Bond of Race2Dinner, a group that facilitates discussions about race over dinner, and British American blogger Andrew Sullivan. The intention was to gain insight on the topic but invariably led to controversial opinions and shouting matches...

Once again, my apologies for incorrectly predicting which cable teevee show Mr. Sullivan would be invited to stink up.

However I still stand by my comments regarding why Mr. Sullivan continues to be invited to stink up various cable teevee shows:

There is an exhausted desperation to Sullivan's writing that is more pitiable than it is infuriating.  A man who ran out of game and ideas long before he ran out of words to type or bills to pay. No one really listens to or much cares what he thinks about anything, and the only time he floats to the surface of the pundit turd bowl is when he says something offensive enough to break through to social media noise.

Burn The Lifeboats


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

Tenure sucks sometimes.

Best to you and your loved ones.

bowtiejack said...

" No one really listens to or much cares
what he thinks about anything . . ."

Nailed it.
He's just another figure in
The Newt Gingrich Wax Museum.

Anonymous said...

There's so much more to talk about on
This Island Earth!