Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Science Fiction University Episode 9 -- Attack of the '60's

All episodes available at our Science Fiction University website here.


Robt said...

About that Sci Fi PG standard.

1957 Forbidden Planet

Ann Francis , the daughter of a scientist had sensual scenes. With of all people Leslie Neilson, Captain of the Earth Crew sent to check on the scientists on the planet.

It was a edgy for its day as An Francis discovers men for the first time at an early adult age.
Finds herself making out with several of the Earth crew men.

short , short skirts and very tight body caressing material to see the full figure. They never made it to the , "leave it to beaver scene where ward and June had to keep one foot on the floor when they sat on their beds. But then again, they had twin beds).

Very risqué for its time.

This was 1956 and you were talking the 1960s .

I would point out that after the big culture war political upchuck over a TV series, "Murphy Brown" of a single mother.

Go back to the , Day the Earth stood still in 1951.
Michael Rennie / the alien Klatu engages with single mom Helen, ( Patricia Neal and her fatherless son Bobby, (Billy Gray).

But who would be able to capture the politics body of the GOP back in the day by creating the movie , The Blob.

Eureka by golly, that might be it. Lets try hitting the GOP with dry ice, fire extinguishers locking them in freezers.
Worth the try.....

Strider said...

Excellent SFU as usual. Please do more when you have time!