Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Catching Up With Spleenwald

Ever since Bolshi Freedom Troll Glenn Greenwald decided that pretending not to be a right-wing shitbag was too much work, said "Fuck it" and threw his lot in with Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, the number of Glenn's Spleenwald Horde myrmidons who used to swoop through here to call me a drooling, jackbooted, baby-killing Obot fascist for suggesting that Glenn was a big baloney shooter has dropped to nearly zero.

Mind you, no one has swung by to apologize, but once Glenn had gone on tear about the cowardice of someone else deleting their Twitter archives ...

... and then promptly deleted his own Twitter archives because Greenwald is, above all things, a lying  hypocrite of breathtaking proportions ...

... and then soon after that deleted the Tweet of him telling everyone that he was deleting his Twitter archive because have I mentioned what an absolutely, bold-faced hypocrite ol' Glenn is? --

-- and then, soon after that, went on to become a wacky sidekick on Tucker Carlson's White Power Hour ...

...well, I figured now that Glenn was going out of his way to rub his ass directly in the faces of his own truest believers the point had been made as pointy as it was ever going to be made.

Because my goal was never to persuade Glenn to stop being a bottomless vortex of seething, Democrat-hating bile.  Just as it has never been my goal to convince David Brooks to stop being a lying, Both Siderism hack, or to convince the Lincoln Lads to stop being mercenary grifters, or to convince Andrew Sullivan to give up his beloved phrenology calipers.

Because those characteristics are who those people are and who they will almost certainly go right on being until they shuffle off this mortal coil.  My goal was always much more humble: to use whatever words I have on this tiny platform I have made for myself to convince whoever would listen of the simple truth of Caveat Emptor.

Buyer Beware.

To persuade whoever might read this of the wisdom of looking under the hood, kicking the tires, and other unhelpful car-buying metaphors before pledging your undying loyalty to anyone.  And if you have built yourself a Big Tin God whose clay feet are showing signs of severe crumbling, instead of declaring that all clay-feet cautioners are alarmist crackpots of drooling, jackbooted, etceteras, be willing to take a step or two back and reassess.

That way maybe you can spare yourself the indignity of getting that edgy "Greenwald 4 Evah!" tattoo on your forehead one day, only to wake up the next day to shit like see this ...

... and this ...

... leering back at you from the teevee.

Just a couple of ultra-privileged, lying racist mopes with permanent sinecures on one of the most influential media platforms in the world, wringing their hands and issuing dire warning about what Evil Liberal Cancel Culture may do to yet another privileged, lying racist asshole who got "caught" on tape using the N-word a hundred times or so.

The truth is, now that Greenwald has gleefully outed himself as exactly what I had been saying he was I probably wouldn't have bothered to write this post at all, but for the fact that my wife and I were literally skipping past Fox News last night (as we are wont to do) when we caught Spleenwald's latest dog-and-phony show she urged me to get a couple of pics.  

I did, and left that Vale of Fears just as Carlson was transitioning from Glenn Greenwald's "Joe Biden is History's Greatest Tyrant" segment to Charlie Kirk's "Uppity Negroes Sure Are Uppity" segment.

But it could have been any night of the week, andy week of the year because Fox is all-madness-all-the-time now.

I'm sure there is a lesson to be found in the fact that while even stone-cold Conservative zealots and OG Iraq Pimps like Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg have finally gotten sick enough of Carlson's "Rise Up White People!" lunacy to slouched off to featherbedding gigs at slightly more respectable venues, Greenwald has been only too happy to stick loyally by Carlson's side to provide him with soothing, on-air handjobs whenever Carlson feels the need for such validation.

Burn the Lifeboats


Robt said...

It would seem possible that people of certain amounts of wealth and privilege would have an education that by expensive private schools for the rich kids. Would provide a detailed knowledge of you know, things like history.

A history besides the fall of president Hoover that gave way to the evil FDR with his uppity policies of grandeur and striking a katana through the heart of every Oligarch of the time.
Even without such an elite school education learning our history as it pertains to race, not difficult.. Beginning with native Americans and on to African slaves. Leading to the Civil War and all after.

Using the "N" word today is disrespectful and harmful. Used to degrade another human being for the color of his skin.
As a friend told me, in a conversation. Yes, he is black.

He says there is no word with the connotation for whites that the "N" word carries with established weight of degradation or dehumanizing.

He gave me an example, Calling a white person "Cracker" or "honky" does unnerve to the bone and historical root significance that which the whites calling a black person a "N".

Right he is. We tried to come up with any word that comes close. There is none.
For me, there is a enormous English language with a plethora of words. Don Rickles made good use of it in his ridicule comic act.
One that still comes to mind is "Hockey Puck".
Yeah, in his live shows he would put down on attendees at his show and Hockey Puck was but one.
When a child like brain feels using the "N" word is breaking taboo and causes an ado for which recognition of his bravery. .
If he doesn't respect himself odds are he is not respecting others.

it seems to me these Hockey Pucks want to get fame from white supremacists and appear brave and manly?

They will be the first to tell you how they believe in freedoms. While they purposely use media and words to infringe on other people's freedoms.

jim said...

"1 comment" where there were always 25 before is a tell, some might argue.