Monday, January 03, 2022

Joe Manchin to America's Poor Children: Quit Loafing and Get Back To The Mines

Thanks to ace reporting by Tengrain over at Mock, Paper, Scissors, this morning I learned that Emperor Joe Manchin thinks poor kids have it too damn easy in this country.  Way too damn easy.  

Well the free ride is over, ya little moochers.

He’s Baaa-ack!

...I almost clicked the tab closed, Scissorheads. Almost.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is open to reengaging on the climate and child care provisions in President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda if the White House removes the enhanced child tax credit from the $1.75 trillion package — or dramatically lowers the income caps for eligible families, people familiar with the matter tell Axios.

Why? Because as a Coal Baron,  he cannot have child coal miners if they are not starving and thus ready to dig? Did I get it right?...

Those huge Big Gummint handouts that are [checks notes] keeping them from starving are in danger of turning the poors into discontented, lazy rabble instead of a thrifty, working class.  And are how you gonna keep 'em down the mines once they've found out that there are a million better places in this world than Joe Manchin's West Virginia coal satrap?

Burn the Lifeboats


Robt said...

Just know, There is nowhere in the constitution that states Lobbying is a constitutional right. It took a corrupt justice to twist the , Right to petition your government" (In other words, outright bribe) to make Joe Coal dust legislating positions very lucrative.

Money is speech just like people are resources to be owned.

dinthebeast said...

Interestingly enough, Kentucky is finally taking China's lead and employing former coal miners in the solar industry, on some of the reclaimed mountaintop removal sites.
China a few years ago was boasting about creating thirteen million jobs doing that, and the former miners were fucking thrilled to be working anywhere but in Chinese coal mines.
Until now, American coal miners haven't been up for switching from their coal mining jobs, but the coal companies don't employ many of them any more, so for them it's either solar or health care, and lots of them are too old and uneducated for health care.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dervy scram said...

Great, drifty. Now do the GOP. Oh wait, they aren't negotiating at all. So NOT both sides, drifty?