Thursday, January 06, 2022

Inside Joe Walsh's Never Trump Content Factory

 So Joe Walsh has a podcast.

Yeah, that Joe Walsh --

-- but now he's born again and although he hasn't give up on any of the shitty, crackpot ideas on which the modern GOP was founded, he now says "Trust me" a lot, claims to have a unique insight into the Right because of the channel communication he has with hundreds (maybe thousands!) of Republicans every day, and would very much like a piece of that sweet, sweet Never Trump revenue.

Overall it's pretty bad.   Joe has the ugly-American-overseas tic of LOUDLY AND SLOWLY explaining very obvious things as if you don't speak English and/or don't understand anything and speaking LOUDLY AND SLOWLY will fix that.  

 But what Joe Walsh has figured out is how to pad his already meager content out even further.

Here, for example, is a rundown of his last three episodes, which I listened to so you won't have to.

December 30 episode of Walsh's podcast:  Promotes his upcoming interview with Ambulatory Republican Stool Sample Rick Santorum.  Preemptively mentions that he didn't really challenge Frothy Anal Discharge on, well, anything.  Sure it was awful but Walsh did it for you people!  Because you people need to know what kind of a guy this Rick Santorum cat really is.

January 4 episode of Walsh's podcast:  45 minute of disgraced failure Rick Santorum playing all the Wingnut Culture War hits.  Communist Libtards want to take your guns away and brainwash your kids into to marry your dog.  And so forth.  For 45 minutes.  Because you people need to know.  And so forth.  

January 6 episode of Walsh's podcast: Joe Walsh is still so mad about his discussion with Rick Santorum.  My god what an asshole!  And Joe has heard from a lot of you that this was a bad idea, but your wrong because you people needed to know what kind of a guy Rick Santorum really is.

And that, kiddies, is how to not only rationalize handing a microphone to an Ambulatory Republican Stool Sample who should never have been allowed within a 1,000 of any microphone in the first place, but stretch that shitty decision into not one, not two, but three episodes of your dopey podcast. 

Burn The Lifeboats!


JHB said...

NeverTrumpers are the salesmen for The World's Best Vacuum Tube (TM) and all of us integrated circuit-based device users are utter fools for not recognizing its superiority.

dinthebeast said...

"Grabbing my musket"? Is that what the kids are calling it now?

-Doug in Sugar Pine