Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Here Are Some Things That Don't Work

We're long past the point where shouting "Hypocrite!" at Republican hypocrites is in any way meaningful or productive.  It is certainly descriptive in the same way standing in your yard and shouting "cirrus" at a cirrus cloud is descriptive, but it accomplishes nothing.  

We're long past the point where some democracy-threatening event, no matter how apocalyptic, is going to "expose" anything to anyone.  There is no large pool of uninformed but perusable centrist-y citizens out there somewhere who, in this Year of Our Lord 2022, will finally find some speech or public hearing or revelation powerful enough move them off the fence they're spent their lives straddling. Everyone is where they are and no one is gonna budge.  

We're long past the point where loudly continuing to insist that "they" or "someone" ought to do or "must" do something which is objectively impossible to do given the current state of our politics is anything other than frustrated self-indulgence.  This is more shouting at clouds. 

Dropping anonymous comments into this blog's pending comment queue that are endless, boring repetitions of "Sure Republicans are bad...but why aren't you writing about those awful Democrats!!!" Those are deleted without a backwards glance and will never see the light of day.  

That's all for now.

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Tengrain said...

may I co-sign this?



bowtiejack said...

Excellent comment management!

To understand the danger of the world we
live in now, it would be well to remember
that the Nazis succeeded with only 19% of
the Reichstag.

Like mold and cockroaches, if not stopped,
they take over.

Cheez Whiz said...

I suppose they want you to eviscerate the Glimmer Twins, Manchin and Sinema? Some people just want to argue over who put the empty milk carton back in the refrigerator while the house is on fire.

But I'm not so sure about the "undecided voter" argument. There's roughly a third of eligible voters who can't be bothered, even now. Call them the "unconscious voters". If they can be awakened, it might make a difference, though nobody knows in what direction. There's a long proud tradition in American culture of ignoring, denigrating and belittling politics and politicians, made possible by first geographic circumstance and an American Empire, but those are both played out and many many chickens are just now starting to show up and roost. Those unconscious voters are going to be forced to wake up, and which way they fall will decide the fate of the Great Experiment. Having history and facts to throw at them might make a difference.

Neo Tuxedo said...

If they can be awakened, it might make a difference, though nobody knows in what direction.

"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."
-- from the forbidden diary of Winston Smith

Robt said...

Reviewing history displays many things some pf promise and some not so much.

As the Hoover presidency came to an end. Most of the other worlds countries were selecting leaders as Hitler, Mussolini,
Franco, Hirohito.
American chose FDR.

Unknown said...

Also on my peeve list, when an investigation or story pins down the criminal the ``Duh. Like we didn't already KNOW this'' response. Confirmation is ALWAYS good.