Sunday, January 09, 2022

David Brooks: The Crepes of Wrath Strike Again

Thanks to his many years gliding in gilded comfort up and down the Acela corridor, jetting from Davos to Aspen to No Labels luncheons, whispering to presidents, lecturing at Yale, and writing the same fucking column for the New York Times over and over again for 20 years Mr. David Brooks apparently believes he has amassed a deep insight into the hardscrabble lives of Real Murricans out there in the unexplored interior of the continent that is perhaps unparalleled by any other pundit of his generation. 

 And based this vast store of knowledge, Mr. Brooks has reached the following conclusion: Democrats are too fucking elitist!

Remind Me Again, Why Does David Brooks Still Have A Fucking Job?


Unknown said...

David Brooks has always been a conservative.
He pretends to be a centrist but when ever a Republican wins
he has a mandate.
When ever a Democrat wins he needs to reach across the aisle.
Brooks is an elitist Republican but he does not want to
defend the party right now.

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

Republicans are doing SOMETHING to the grassroots, but it involves Brawndo.

Best to you and your loved ones.

Unknown said...

"projection, the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds"

"Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions"

Dude, if you can't handle the job, just give it up. You've already made enough money, right? You've got the trophy wife, the vast spaces for entertaining, the execrable PBS/Judy Woodruff teevee bits (in which you visibly fidget uncomfortably - you can give those up too, y'know), you've got more or less the good life. There's a thousand new Tucker Carlsons ready to dump your meek, politely elitist ass right on the curb. And the only bit o' purity in their snake oil is that you ARE an out-of-touch poser. If you can't ramp up your game into open hatred, or if you're having difficult feeling or emotions about peddling your faux-populism in the old gray lady, then maybe it's time for you to leave and leave your gigs to the real post-Nixonian sons-of-bitches and grab your buggy whip and ghost-exit yourself back to your wee estate.

bill said...

David Fucking Brooks has soft lips and hands. He's also a made-man in the Conservative firmament by dint of filling the Buckley void. None of which actually explains his pundit sinecure, so I'd have to say that his continued employment owes to not having to account for everything he has been wrong about his entire career?