Thursday, December 23, 2021

Professional Left Podcast #630

“Suspicion builds confidence.” -- Brazil

Don't forget to visit our website -- -- for all those sweet bells and whistles:  there are links to donate to our podcast work at that site, as well as links to our swingin' Zazzle merch store,  our respective blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Kittehs! and much more. Many thanks once again to @theologop for building it all for us!


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

Sing it with me!

"This Christmas...Twitter gave you your account.
But the very next day...they took it away."

Best to you and your loved ones.

Robt said...

Many years ago. When my bots were much younger. On a Christmas week. My boys had some friends over and playing. I rounded them all up in the living room and tried. And I mean tried to get them all to sing Jingle Bells all together. It took much effort and still didn’t come out as good as what you will see in this video.

I give much credit to the folks that were able to get their dogs to sing Jingle Bells like this.

dinthebeast said...

Your sonic boom story reminded me of the 1980 earthquake in Eureka where I lived at the time. It was in the wee hours of the morning and I was sitting on a stool in my shorts taking a bong hit preparing for bed when it hit. It was 7.3. The epicenter was southeast of town, so the shaking hit the hills to the east before they got to me. So outside my window there were three blue-white flashes of light, as transformers on the hill blew out, then the floor heaved and the heater fell off of the wall. It was like three days after Reagan's first election and I grumbled under my breath "The bastard isn't even inaugurated yet and he's already blown us up" as I scrambled down the stairway to hide under the porch. I cowered under there in my shorts for a while, and no more apocalypse happened, then I heard my phone ringing upstairs.
So I muttered some shit about fallout and went back upstairs to answer it. It was Briana saying "It's an earthquake, let's go pillage!"
And so it was that I got dressed and went walking through the streets of Eureka in the middle of the night after a major earthquake, and encountered many, many citizens of that nice little city, out to see what the fuck had happened, gossiping about the possibilities, and trying to make sure nobody was, you know, pillaging.
I did not do any, nor witness any actual pillaging that night.
In fact, it has been my experience with major earthquakes that they bring the very best behavior out in the communities who suffer them.
When the Loma Prieta earthquake happened, we were living behind the MacArthur BART station in Oakland, and it was near the height of the crack epidemic and there was a lot of gang violence in that neighborhood. All of the sudden the Bay Bridge was down and the BART transbay tube was closed for inspections, and all of these office worker types in suits carrying briefcases were walking around aimlessly looking for a way to get home, and we were like "Holy shit, this is gonna be a blood bath", but as far as we could find out, nobody was robbed or assaulted that evening. Which was quite a departure from normal there, where there were gun fights in the street on a weekly basis.
Yay for Zappadan miracles! Your story of appealing one more time reminded me of the guy getting stoned in The Life of Brian: "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah!"
Thank you again for the podcast. Briana made it back from Humboldt County last night and brought me a Berkeley Bowl custom burrito. Just in time, really, as it is snowing again and isn't supposed to stop until several feet are on the ground...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

jim said...

Congratulations on your Twitter recidivism!

Point To Ponder:

I keep seeing this lib/prog trope of "Everything would be awesome if only Biden could reign in the very bad, no-good Manchin & Sinema, the evil corporate pop-up Cerberus suddenly inexplicably pooping on his BBB picnic" & it's blood-curdling. Seen acres of this from the likes of CNN - & now here, too.

It's common knowledge among the politically literate that more than a dozen other Congressional henchfolks are ready, willing, & able to take their place should Manchin & Sinema magically evaporate (or flip-flop) tomorrow. There would be exactly the same neolib/neocon fan-service BBB inertia w/ a 60 seat "D" majority - & to believe or claim otherwise is arch political malpractice. Your leadership has literally put out a political blacklist on ANY primary dissidence (likely crippling GOTV nationwide in the process) & has less than zero interest in evolving. To play the broken record one more time for the Gipper: Republicans use primaries as an agenda acid-test while Democrats use them as coronations ... & then boggle at the prefab failure, over & over & over.

Would sure be sweet to see someone smart call that toxic "Just 2 Bad Apples" lie out before it helps scotch the mid-terms. You go into 2024 w/ the DNC you have, not the DNC you wish you had.