Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says

Shown above is an artist's depiction of 60 Minutes' Scott Pelley feeding Andrew Sullivan one softball question after another, then staring blankly back at him and not pushing back in the slightest as Mr. Sullivan Both Sides' the living shit out of everything.  

And here is the actual Scott Pelley doing all that stuff.

Other than revealing how desperate the sclerotic 60 Minutes is for cultural relevance (and how wildly they missed) the extended tongue bath that Pelley administered to Mr. Sullivan will tell you, gentle reader, nothing about Mr. Sullivan's hollowness and naked opportunism that you haven't already read on this shitty blog for decades.  For example, this is me from 2009, which is starting to be a long time ago:

...Likewise, even though Mr. Sullivan now, belatedly comes to believe much of what Liberals believe and finally deigns to notice a horde of grotesque truths about his Conservative Movement about which Liberals have been sounding the alarm for 30 years, Andrew Sullivan nonetheless looks us all straight in that eye and argues that he could not possibly be some mere Liberal.

Because in Mr. Sullivan's world, "Liberal" does not refer to a political ideology, but to an impoverishing political ghetto from which no amount of "being right about everything" will permit you to achieve escape velocity. In Mr. Sullivan's world, "Liberal" is a terrible disease that afflicts losers who do not get invited to spout their views on teevee.

Mr. Sullivan regularly receives such largess, therefore he must not be a Liberal.

He instead must be the lone member be of some rare and singular new species; some miraculous form of haploid political minotaur.

Because if he is not something spontaneously-generated and utterly sui generis, then he is just another Lefty-Come-Very-Lately, showing up at our door at 3:00 A.M., 20 years late and trailing toxic baggage behind him like a Halley Comet.

And who in the world would pay him to do his little dance then?

And now, 12 years later, The Bulwark has suddenly decided to step on another of our Liberal corners.  Because without ripping off the Left's critique of the Right from the Before Time, where would our Never Trumper "allies" find brilliant insights of monetize?

Andrew Sullivan and the Narrative of the "MSM Narrative" 
The narrative on MSM narratives is false.

by Jonathan V. Last 

Over the weekend Andrew Sullivan published a jeremiad against the “mainstream media” that tracks pretty closely with the Matt Taibbi-Glenn Greenwald-Bari Weiss view: that one of America’s most pressing concerns is woke activists at the New York Times.
You can read it here if you want. A flavor of his complaint...

This is nonsense. Let’s unpack all of it.

I'll end the snip from The Bulwark here because my favorite line from the whole piece is "This is nonsense. Let’s unpack all of it." 

Kid, I've been doing just that for going on 17 years now, and 11 years as a podcaster.

So have many others others. Critiquing Conservative bullshit like this diligently, deeply, consistently, years after year. Completely outgunned in the face of the relentless and well-funded scorn and slander from the goofs who [checks notes] now make up The Bulwark's all-star media team.

And so far it hasn't made the slightest difference. 

Burn The Lifeboats

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