Thursday, November 04, 2021

Professional Left Podcast #623

“Writers are a little below clowns and a little above trained seals.” 
 -- John Steinbeck, writer

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


JHB said...

Today, is the 31st anniversary of the last wheezing gasp of Republican fiscal responsibility, or at least a feeble attempt at it. On November 5, 1990, George H.W.Bush signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, changing the income tax from the deficit-ballooning two-bracket rate of the 1986 tax deform (10%/26%, with the divide at roughly median income) to a three-bracket rate, adding a 31% bracket at roughly twice median income.

Conservatives crucified him as a traitor for it. It was a huge factor in Bush's loss two years later, and Republicans learned to never ever be "responsible" again.

dinthebeast said...

Twitter responded to the how young is too young bullshit by having people of color recount their first personal encounter with racism.
Most seemed to have occurred around the ages of four and five.
Again, the fact that CRT is not taught in public schools validates the concept of CRT.
Kind of a wild week here, also. Briana is off in Humboldt county trying to make the house on her family's property a place where we can eventually live, and the cat is in full rebellion mode.
At least it wasn't my bed that he peed on...
You can't make common cause with folks who believe the government is run by cannibalistic pedophiles and JFK Jr. is going to be Fergus's veep. In fact, you can't allow delusions that profound within five hundred yards of decision making roles without obvious consequences.
I don't care whether you believe that shit yourself or merely support others who act as if they do, you still have no business running a Popsicle stand, let alone the country.
Thank you again for the podcast. Hey, it's infrastructure week!
I just asked the cat if he would consider peeing on Joe Manchin's foot, but he still doesn't understand English. The cat, I mean. Manchin seems to understand it just fine, not that that is at all helpful.

-Doug in Sugar Pine