Saturday, November 13, 2021

Further Orders From Our Never Trump Overlords

If you wait long enough, eventually, , on virtually every one of their myriad podcasts, the craven unwillingness of Never Trumpers to accept any responsibility for their part in creating the GOP,  their aristocratic fury at not being elite political shot-callers anymore and their seething, hardwired contempt for people like you and me comes boiling to the surface.

Such was the case on Mona Charen's Bulwark podcast where this week her panel of creaky political irrelevants hosted David Frum.  

CHAREN: The only job that the Democrats in power really have is to govern in such a fashion that these Republicans cannot be returned to power.  

Translation:  The only job that the Democrats in power really have is to make Mona Charen happy and not try to pass things that make Mona Charen cranky.

CHAREN:  And they're not... they're not doing very well. Uh yeah that's it that's the only thing they should be doing.

Tell us how the Libtards have hurt you, Mona.  Hurt you and Murrica.

CHAREN: You know all of this dream fantasizing about every Liberal program they've ever wanted it's just (big sigh)... It's irresponsible in the face of the threat. It just is.  

Yes, Mona Charen is actually saying that it is irresponsible for Democrats, in the brief time during which they have an chance to pass meaningful legislation to help the American people, to attempt to pass the agenda on which they ran and won in 2020.

And just how irresponsible does Ms. Charen believe it is for Democrats to try to enact the Democratic agenda?

Well here comes the knife in the back from our "ally".

CHAREN: And so it... the Democrats are almost as responsible for our current dysfunction as the Republicans because they are really... they are whistling past the graveyard.  

Because they all know the Magic Media Conjure Words by heart.  

Both sides.

Both sides.

Both sides.

CHAREN:  Anybody disagree?

From Charen's reliable wingnut podcast houseplant Linda Chavez...

CHAVEZ  100 percent agreement!

And from the rest of the panel?  Even the nominal "center/left" tokens?  


Just thought you'd like to know what your "allies" say about you when they think you're not listening.  


Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

What they say when they think we aren't listening can be conservative cantankerism at the least.

What I hear is, if Trump runs again, this never Trumper will vote for him because both Sides ... --- ...
Morse code is not encrypted , Charen.

The republican ideological belief of Conservatism is reaching its full potential of anarchy but you want it to slow down so you have more time to enjoy the ride to your utopia. The cross between North Korea and Somalia.

Both sides?
What is the equivalent of Rep paul Gosar? McCarthy? Marj Greene and her Israeli giant shaped Menorah satellite laser weapon that starts fire in America to endear Israel and its people on the Tiki Torch carrying republicans?

Sure Hoe Manchin displays McCain Maverick tendencies but nothing like a Gohmert or a Jordan tongue twisting wrestling match with himself.
Charen still has time to get on the "war on Christmas" crazy train if she hurries up.

I would sympathize with you on listening in to her podcast. But accept personal responsibility. You chose to and knew it was dangerously brain cell wasting when you did it.

Dave Dubya said...

We should just be thankful corporate media is there to warn us of anything "too far left", and never, ever "too far right".

pagan in repose said...

Yeah, Chavez has always been a conservative punk, even before her stint on The 'McLaughin Group', back in the stone ages during Reagan's fuckupatree lollapaluzyeah years.

Just to be somewhat balanced, back in the days, a few years after McLaugh-in was the 'To the Contrary' show with Bonnie Erbe. Here is a description of the show from 2001 in the Washington Post:

Robt said...

Is there any possible hope that Ms. Charen might have that moment of clarity and action to change that Jennifer Rubin experienced?

bowtiejack said...

"... their aristocratic fury at not being elite political shot-callers anymore . . . "

Absolutely f---ing nailed it!

All of this stuff - the white trash Trump family, the anti-vaxers, Jan. 6, white supremacy, the gun lunatics, the opposition to science & climate change, "Freedom!" - is the offended sense of entitlement of 2nd raters whose day is passing.