Thursday, October 14, 2021

Professional Left Podcast #620

“It is not so easy to keep silent when the silence is a lie.” 
 -- Victor Hugo, writer

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Robt said...

It is getting ridiculous. For them to put out the war on Christmas stuff this early. Before they take down the July fourth fireworks stands and just now getting out the Halloween decorations.

With congress unable to legislate. When will the fab Supreme 6 act on this!!!!

dinthebeast said...

Yeah, ever since the goddamn Republicans abdicated governing and left us to do their half of the work in our spare time, I've been annoyed that we, the supposed liberal party are now extorted into doing the conservative stuff also.
That doesn't excuse or explain Manchin or Sinema, though. They're just straight up traitors, in the grand Lieberman tradition.
Should I be glad that we have a party functional enough to include some obstructionist assholes in the conference? I hope not, because I'm just not.
There's a saying among electric guitar players, about manners and appropriate behavior that goes "When it's your turn, burn."
It's our turn, god damn it, and we ain't getting another turn for a good long while, most likely.
Yeah, I know that legislating is messy and looks hopeless until it doesn't, but we have an existential crisis here, and if we don't respond somehow, there's a good chance that the second act of the Fergus calamity, with or without Fergus, will permanently bollix our form of government.
Not our government, which the founding document makes clear will need revamping from time to time, but our form of government, which is sort of on the ropes globally.
Biden wasn't just running his mouth when he said that stuff about having to prove that western style democracy can still function in this century.
Calling Mike Parson a moron does a disservice to all of the poor morons out there just doing the best they can.
Thank you again for the podcast. The damn cat peed on the rug. He knows better than that, but is in a snit because he can't go outside any more for a while because he keeps starting shit with the other cats here. His behavior is positively Republican, and if he doesn't straighten up and fly right, I'm going to have to request rescinding his Internet Kitty of the Week award...

-Doug in Sugar Pine