Friday, August 13, 2021



Five Thirty Eight needs you to look over here RIGHT NOW because there's some god damn, bleeding-edge research that you need to know about.

Are you ready?

Are you sitting down?

Maybe you should sit down.  Better yet, get into airplane crash position because this SHOCKING information is going to blow you away!

So, are you ready?

Really ready?

Really, really ready?

OK them, hang on tight because here... it... comes.

Turns out, the GOP is actually pretty racist.

How The Rise Of White Identity Politics Explains The Fight Over Critical Race Theory


There, it's on the record now, so there'll be no takesies backsies and damn the consequences!

No Half Measures


bill said...

"These are not the POG reprogrammable meatbag racists you are looking for..."

Abu Scooter said...

And on next week's episode: News538's shocking exposé of the Republican Party's extensive infiltration by... Republicans.

Good gravy, these people.

Anonymous said...

Breaking news:

!!! WATER !!!

!!! IS !!!

!!! WET !!!

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

Dave Dubya said...

Update: Republicans decry proponents of Critical Race Theory as commie racists. BLM and CRT are really the Marxist revolution implementing the replacement and extinction of white people.

More Radical Right racist projection from no less than FOX(R)'s resident white nationalist Tucker Carlson: