Friday, April 09, 2021

Happy "They're Still Not Over It" Day America

No Half Measures


Robt said...

Caution. Both sideer analogy in the vicinity.

You ever notice when they say the phrase, "their are good people on both sides".

They are really pointing out those on the wrong side of it, for the wrong reasons have the good people on their side and never point out the side on righteous reason never have their good people pointed out.

When the right makes grandiose accusations of pedophile tings out of a pizza joint basement by Hillary.
There are no good people on both sides. When Denny Hastert is found guilty in court of law for pedophilia only on Denny Hastert's side are there good people?

Like there is going to be a delayed reaction over taking down monuments. Forcing America to resurrect the Saddam Hussein statue that was pulled down after the invasion.

Robt said...

Why is there NO General Sherman monument in Atlanta?