Saturday, February 13, 2021

Soon To Be a Major Motion Picture

Not really, but send me money anyway!

The Grift: What did Rick Wilson do with the $64,766 he raised for a film he never released? 
The Profits of Never Trump

No Half Measures


Robt said...

Direct all snail mail donations to Bannon's billionaire's yacht.

There was a vacancy on that Chinese billionaire's yacht after Bannon made room for us.

Will the media seek out all those forgotten coal miners that are still out of work.

Ask them, how much have you been donating to Trump, the GOP, and al the other affiliated Trump collection charities?

Is it with that new great paying job Trump forced back to America and hired you at ridiculous over paid salary. That you are now able to afford donating it to the needy Kushner, Bannon Et AL..

Most of all, isn't donating to political charities and groups socialism?

Robt said...

Look no father than Rick Wilson's hair to see and know he touched that .

Lit3Bolt said...

Kind of like all of Rick Wilson's gun-fluffing, conspiracy mongering about Sandy Hook, transphobia, general hysteria of black men protesting being KILLED BY COPS, and oh, THE FACT HE WORKED WITH RUDY GIULIANNI FOR FUCKING DECADES got buried and white-washed in the general liberal panic over Trump.

Have fun talking to the FBI about John Weaver, Rick. Better hope you haven't cooked the books too much in your Super PAC too. Because, you know, that may be COVERING UP FOR A PEDOPHILE, or ENGAGING IN PURE GRIFT, like you accuse the Trumpists of doing all the time. Game recognizes game, I guess.

I'm convinced it wasn't principles that made these fuckers turn against Trump. It was simple, calculated greed. They were aging out of the political game anyway, and had no future in the pure ultra nationalist-fascist GOP. So it was time to turn coat and make bank from scared, witless, not so bright liberals.

That's all it ever was. These fuckers are all about their brands, nothing more.

jim said...