Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rush Limbaugh: A Land of Contrasts

Sure, fine, Limbaugh died a monster.  No question.  But what us stupid Liberals don't seem understand is how much fun he was! Y'know, all those years and years and years of mocking the poor, and the feminazis, and AIDS victims, and negroes, and, of course, us stupid Libtards.  

From Charlie Sykes in the Washington Post:

To a degree that is not always understood on the left, Limbaugh invented a new genre in which conservatism could be entertaining, even fun. He was a master at using parodies as weapons. He was outrageous and daring; occasionally funny and charming, but also often dishonest and offensive.

Because Limbaugh's whole schtick was punching down.    Dr. Krugman brings the late Molly Ivins to the party:

He was thug, who made sport of the weak and relatively defenseless, so of course Conservatives loved it.   He was their Jabba the Hutt, and imitators like Sykes were his Salacious Crumbs.

Then, according to Mr. Sykes, things happened and time passed.  What things?  Who knows.  How much time passed?  Was it hours?  Days?  Months?  Years?  Decades?  Sadly, all records how or when or who is responsible for what are lost forever.  All anyone knows for sure is that something something something Trump!

The fact is that Limbaugh was fundamentally uninterested in ideas, and by the time he had helped Trump’s improbable rise to the presidency, the host was essentially done with conservatism as a set of principles.

Sure it is objectively true that Rush Limbaugh gave Charlie Sykes his political manhood.  That Sykes owes everything he has to the Hate Radio House That Limbaugh Built and that he spent his entire radio career as Wisconsin's own two-bit, decaffeinate Limbaugh knockoff, working tirelessly to turn Wisconsin in the wingnut basket case it is now.  But if you're willing to ignore all of that, it's clear that the real standard-bearer in the fight against Rush Limbaugh was... Charlie Sykes!  

As a radio talk-show host myself, I admired his skill as a broadcaster, even as I was alarmed by the role he was choosing to play. For years, I had pushed back against the charge that talk radio was simply about entertainment, outrage and anger. I made an effort to talk about issues and struggled to find ways to repackage conservative ideas in fresh terms.

But as time went on, Limbaugh went in another direction...

Because aren't Never Trrumpers always the hero of every story?  

If you doubt it, just ask Sykes' fellow MSNBC in-house Never Trumper, Michael Steele, about whom I wrote some stuff less than a month ago:

Michael Steele:  Accountability For Thee But Not for Me

And now that all political history prior to 2015/6 has officially been erased and we have clearly established who the Sinners are, Michael Steele can once again to use his position at MSNBC to continue elevating himself to political Sainthood by rewriting his years as RNC chair any way he pleases:

Steele:  One important point.  When I took over the party in 2009 it was very very important for me to approach where we were based on where we had come from.  We had come from a place where the party had lost uh in 2008 lost in 2006 and we had to understand why the par... why the party was being rejected.  So you have to begin with the "mea culpa".  You have to begin with owning the losses. Owning the carnage that you've left behind, because if you don't do that you can't begin to take the steps forward.  Besides no one will believe you.  You have no credibility.  I can't go to the country and say hey vote for us when they go, "Wait a minute, you got all this stuff, all this baggage..."

As those of us who were there and taking notes during Steele's Reign of Error know, Mr. Steele's fanciful Remembrance of Chairmanships Past bears no resemblance to actual history.  And so I must once again beg your indulgence while I give Clio the Muse of History her due by repeating that these are exactly the same very reasonable terms that some of us dirty, disreputable Libtards insisted that men like Michael Steele should be required to live up to before they could be trusted to join our team.  Because (as some of us dirty, disreputable Libtards warned) if we didn't draw that line, the day would come sooner that you would believe possible when men like Michael Steele would have completely colonized the media and there would be no one to say otherwise as they advanced their careers by lying and lying and lying about their own past and their complicity in building the GOP monster machine that produced Donald Trump.

So, for those of you who weren't paying attention at the time,  this is what actually happened during Mr. Steele's tenure as RNC chair.

After the Democrats nominated and elected of Barack Obama, the GOP found itself suddenly in urgent needed of a black man who was morally flexible enough to front for the deeply racist Republican Party, and Michael Steele was just the man for that job.  The party's recovery from its losses in 2006 and 2008 had nothing whatsoever to do with understanding "why the party was being rejected".  I had everything to do with leaning all the way in on the deeply racist Republican Party's rebranding scam called the "Tea Party" and their rallying cries of Birtherism and Death Panels.

Steele's tenure was a bumbling failure, and I can't help but laugh (albeit bitterly) when I hear Steele now saying shit like this with all the courage and conviction of a man with a steady media gig and no fear of being called out in public --

-- when getting slapped in the face and then being forced to apologize to the slapper was literally what happened the one time he dared to venture out of his role as the GOP's front man to mildly rebuke the real head of the Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh.  Limbaugh dropped a house on him and Steele obligingly ran to him and groveled for his forgiveness...


Heroes all. 

Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

Perhaps the GOP wealthy donors who funded Rush all over the airwaves. can squeeze their investments in him and play reruns for as long as they can. Do Best of shows.

I am sure it will still play to applauds to right wing listeners to hear Rush cal The young daughter of president Clinton, "A dog". Demand his voyeurisms be satisficed to watch the "slut", Sandra Fluke have sex because Rush thinks he pays for her Birth control.
Rush's big hit, "Barrack the magic Negro". All deeply religious fun poking.

Besides Rush being the tool for the right wing wealthy to divide America, Not convince Americans to Conservatism.
Rush always boasted that he was "filling young minds that were full of mush". Actually he was filling everyone's minds full of mush.

It was the ditto head listeners.
Ihere is a actual example.
A proud macho republican decided he could just walk up and begin scolding me for being a Liberal over Obama's 2 SCOTUS nominees (Kagan and Sotomayor). As Kagan had just been confirmed. Rush had been ranting that she played softball in college and how that made kagan as a LFeminazi Lezbo.
So I listened to his rant how terrible this is to have these females on the high Court.

He ranted and ranted. When I finally got a word in to respond I told him,
"What makes you think I am the one that yyou need to complain to?".
"Up are very emtional and upset over this. So I will be your personal liberal huckleberry for the moment but, you need to answer a question for me if I am to be the recipient of your complaint." So I asked, "there are 9 Supreme Justices. With Kagan and Sotomayor. Can you name the other 7 SCOTUS justices on the bench?"
* I was amazed, he got upset and could not name the other 7. He tried to turn it around and demand I did not know the 7 and to prove I did , I was to name them.

I didn't let him off the hook and he left pouting and grumbling.

What I am getting at is the harms I most concern of with Rush was what his listeners subjected themselves to.
When Rush said it on the radio is sounded smart and tough. How come it didn't work when they repeated Rush to others.
The iceberg of truth and lies.
Rush showed them the surface of the water part of the iceberg we could all see, Represented the truth.

Rush then went on to blather about all his lies and innuendo's. That represented the ice berg you could not see under the surface of the water. The lies.

II am sure I was not the only person that had to put up with the , I heard it on Rush and I am going to pick a argument with someone to sound smart and tough with someone I perceive as one of those liberals Rush speaks about.

The difference . Before tight wingers tucked in their tails when they had not answers. Now, all they have to do and say is, "I believe it so therefore it is true.

I know some of you ran up against the Ditto head town crier.

Rush did not pole holes in the broadcast envelope. He punctured the retaining walls of the sewage plant.

new_damage said...

Thank you for using English, DG. Other than the alliteration, "A la Recherche du Présidents de Parti Politique Perdu." doesn't really roll off the tongue, does it?



Meremark said...

dear drifty and the massmedia mugwumps,

Ya' gotta understand television (you pay for) is tourniquet on your mind. And CIA controls television programs and turns the tourniquet.
Ergo: ABOLISH the CIA . . . in order to get America back. (P.S. CIA operates through the GOP. Meaning: Sykes and Steele et alii are CIA 'assets', contolled employees paid with your tv money.)


Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms
By Edward Curtin

February 16, 2021 "Information Clearing House"

- - “The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,” wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, The CIA As Organized Crime. - -

This is true. The corporate mainstream media are stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American people, just as they have done the same for an international audience. We have long been subjected to this “information warfare,” whose purpose is to win the hearts and minds of the American people and pacify them into victims of their own complicity, just as it was practiced long ago by the CIA in Vietnam and by The New York Times, CBS, etc. on the American people....



Mike R said...

Now that Trump is at least sidelined from being a one man wrecking and murder machine(his covid response), there is no reason not to mock and denigrate the never trumpers(spell check doesn't like this word, but did suggest strumpets). They were useful, somewhat, now they need to get to a monastery and do their long term penance.

Roger Ailes said...

I'm guessing that was a Russert MTP appearance, since Pumpkinhead was a big fan of Big Pharma:

At the beginning of Russert's June 2004 appearance on Rush Limbaugh's radio show, Limbaugh noted: "We don't have guests on this program, but we made an exception here for our friend Tim Russert of NBC News." Russert replied, "It's an honor to be here, Rush. Thank you very much. " Later, the two reminisced about sharing a steak dinner. Although the appearance came just weeks after Limbaugh's comparison of the torture at Abu Ghraib to a fraternity prank, Russert politely chose not to ask his host about the comments, or about any of Limbaugh's countless inflammatory statements about women and minorities.

Robt said...

I feel so much better now that I eulogized slush <imp-paw.

Time to bury him, Make him extra crispy or entomb him. Whatever they do with Right wing

There was speculation Trump could replace him. But then, could his attention span hold for 3 hours a day?

Unknown said...

If I wanted to express some of my thoughts on the "I'm grateful he's dead" Limbaugh, the first sentence would run for 5,000+ words. So I'll leave it to others who have expressed the same sentiments with a brevity I lack:

"I have never murdered any man, but I have read many an obituary with great satisfaction." Clarence Darrow

"I did not attend the funeral, but I did send a nice letter saying I approved of it." Mark Twain

"Only the dead are forgiven." Phil Ochs

Rush Limbaugh, R.I.P. (Roast in Perpetuity)

Fritz Strand said...

Looks like they will have to build a dance floor for the masses that want to dance on his grave.