Friday, February 19, 2021

Professional Left Podcast #586

“I don't mind if you don't like my manners. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter nights.”
-- Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep

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dinthebeast said...

The Kinzinger letter reminded me of the Bill Hicks bit where he describes being confronted after a gig in the south by a couple of big dudes who said "We don't like the stuff you said about Jesus." to which he replied "Then forgive me."
And it really is peak Republican to do what they did and ignore the entire foundational principles of something and instead search the fine print for things they can fake doing solely to obtain power. Mitch McConnell would approve.
I saw "The Former Guy" on a couple of other blogs I read but didn't know where it came from, so thanks for that.
It really is encouraging to see NASA do something so amazing again. SpaceX is OK, but sort of represents the privatization of spaceflight, and I just am sick of billionaires in general, and in spaceflight in particular.
We don't have a Madigan here in California, but we did have Willie Brown...
Thank you again for the podcast. The damn cat brought another mouse inside and let it go.
Where do you even find a mouse under all of that snow?
Which reminds me: I feel for Texans right now. Actually, I think my cousins all live in Houston, or they did last I checked. After the nine days of power outages and four feet of snow we got, when Briana and myself are new arrivals here from the flat lands, I have a fairly secure belief that I know how they feel down there. Except for the voting in of the rat bastards who did this to them part. Well, considering that Tom the fuck McClintock is our congressman here, yeah, even that part.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

Captain Cook sailed the Pacific and found Hawaii. Or should I say he found Polynesians that found Hawaii long ago and have lived there for a long time before he came along.

Captain Rover and Lt. ingenuity now discovering Mars.

We already know water exists on Mars, From the landscape and geological surface suggests there was oceans of water on Mars at one time.

If true, water sustains life. What might that life look like? They are seeing what appears to be ocean beds that once existed. If there was life, could there be fossils of what was once there. Would be incredible to find and see what that life looked like.

But what is the composition of water on Mars? Is it the same as Earth's?

And if there were oceans of water on Mars. Where did it go?

Is it all underground? Vaporized by striking Asteroids or enormous solar flares?

I will have to rely on our modern day pioneer/ explorer Captain Rover.

Meremark said...

Here another NYT crossworder. More or less compulsive. Since the 70s but quit when the puzzles got too easy for me. Then Will Shortz retired.

But his name reappeared and I was lured back.

And, yes, crickey the clues are abusive. There are no 'lights' no more, as such. And the puzzle spaces have 3 or 4 or more words in answer to a clue.
As BG and father noticed.
I write to add this:

The 'by Will Shortz' is some kind of trademark for syndication. Will isn't composing puzzles.

And a computer is. composing puzzles. Probably siri or alexa. "Big Learning, make a 15 X 15 puzzle for tomorrow's edition."

Sometimes don't try to beat the machine. You'll break your brain. Tell your Dad, too.