Friday, February 05, 2021

Professional Left Podcast #584

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”
-- Philip K. Dick, writer

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VonWenk said...

This episode keeps abruptly cutting off at about the 49:00 mark.

dinthebeast said...

OK, I do understand the vaguely transgressive feeling that accompanies the thought "Oh my god, the Democrats, they're getting out of their own way!" but I would like to turn that on its head and say that we, as Democrats, can handle the fucking truth.
Even constructive criticism.
We can handle it.
Sometimes we even learn from it, as if we were adult human beings or some shit.
Paul Krugman was saying something similar about everyone piling onto Larry Summers for his backwards-ass remarks, noting that the very existence of competing economic ideas in the Democratic party signifies its health, not something to be existentially terrified of.
As long, of course, as it doesn't delay our progress in this precious ass eighteen months of trifecta we have, that McConnell has already robbed us of one month.
But, again, Democrats getting out of their own way!
I already fucking adore Nancy Pelosi, and don't give a shit what anyone else says about that fact, but this week when she wrote "Kevin McCarthy (Q-California)" I literally hooted with delight.
The four feet of snow is beginning to melt a little, and Briana got the car shoveled free and made it to town yesterday, and Luna's Tamales, who seem to be two middle aged Hispanic women, were back in the shopping center parking lot, and so she came back with eighteen of them. The tamales, that is. Life is good, for the time being. We still can't get out of the door, but Briana and the cat can go in and out of the window, and a guy from up the hill with a plow blade on the front of his truck helped get us out of the snow bank that was previously our parking spot.
Thanks again for the podcast. Maybe now, after the trail has been blazed by you guys, Mike Pence can enjoy a fulfilling career as a podcaster and thus accomplish the one goal his life was really crying out for: to fuck off and quit hurting people.
P.S.: If we get another round of apocalypse money, I fully intend to send some of it your way.

-Doug in Sugar Pine