Originally titled, "Liberals Say The Darndest Things".
Here is Charlie Sykes today:
The GOP has decided that the number of Q-types in their ranks are simply too large to be purged.
— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) February 1, 2021
Fear of angering the “base,” has now extended to fear of offending “the Storm.”https://t.co/SYbp7JgacC
“Bonus take: The GOP now has a very real fascism problem."
— Rula Jebreal (@rulajebreal) February 1, 2021
By @SykesCharlie https://t.co/MuWb62exy6 pic.twitter.com/eqc5d5I7VL
Little Red State Fundy sez...
Whatever will we tell the children?![]()
One day we will have to explain to the children what happened when Thurston Howell III lost his right mind and decided that for the sake of some tax cuts to make him incrementally more comfortable, his very bestest buddies in the whole, wide world were the Ultra Right Wing Gorgons down in Jesusland.
May I suggest the following?The Story of Little Red State FundyLittle Red State Fundy found a grain of hate.
"Who will help me plant the hate?" she asked.
"Not I," said the Moderate Republicans.
"Not I," said the Undecideds.
"Not I," said the Libertarians.
"Then I will," said Little Red State Fundy.
So she buried the hate in the bloody ground of the Old Confederacy. After a while it grew up paranoid and ignorant and violent.
"The hate is ripe now," said Little Red State Fundy. "Who will do the mass mailings and preach bigotry from the Pulpit?"
"Not I," said the Moderate Republicans.
"Not I," said the Undecideds.
"Not I," said the Libertarians.
"Then I will," said Little Red State Fundy.
So she licked envelopes until her bill was cracked and dry and stood up into the House of God and crowed to her flocks in their millions that God Loved Them for hating and killing creatures who were not like them.
Then she asked, "Who will help me focus this hatred politically?"
"Not I," said the Moderate Republicans.
"Not I," said the Undecideds.
"Not I," said the Libertarians.
"Then I will," said Little Red State Fundy.
So she made databases and phone banks, and walked door-to-door with petitions that talked of Gods Great Hatred of Gays, and Gods Great Hatred of Judges that did not worship the Hate God in exactly the way the Little Red State Fundy told them to.
Then she carried the hate to steps of the Congress and the White House.
"Who will make a mandate from this hate?" she asked.
"Not I," said the Moderate Republicans.
"Not I," said the Undecideds.
"Not I," said the Libertarians.
"Then I will," said Little Red State Fundy.
So she got on the phone with her very good friend Karl Rove and with his help organized carpools to the polls, and get-out-the-vote drives, anti-gay marriage amendments and smear campaigns. For Jesus.
And Little Red State Fundy delivered the margin of victory and was featured in many, many magazines: without Little Red State Fundy, the Republican Party could never, ever, ever win anything.
And now everybody knew it.
Then she said, "Now who shall help me Rule the Earth."
"We will!" said Moderate Republicans, Undecideds, and Libertarians.
"I am quite sure you would," said Little Red State Fundy, "but see, now you are all my bitches."
Then she called Randall Terry and Tom DeLay and Ann Coulter and Jerry Falwell and Rush Limbaugh and James Dobson, and they and the rest of the Shining Path Republicans used what was left of the Constitution as ass-floss.
And judges were terrorized into silence.
And those deemed ungodly were beaten in the streets.
And they invaded whoever the fuck they felt like, for whatever fucking reason they chose.
And the very idea of a Free and Fair press died.
And to people who had been very clear all along that they genuinely believed in a Theocratic Nanny State and thought that precipitating Armageddon and triggering the Second Coming should be the highest calling of any worldly government, were handed over the police, courts, government, treasury and nuclear weapons stockpiles of the United States of America.
And in the end -- just as they had been warned for the past twenty years -- there was nothing whatsoever left at all for Moderate Republicans, Undecideds, and Libertarians.
Here is Charlie Sykes reacting to me pointedly reminding him that the Left has been right about the Right all along:
Here is a link to one of my many post about how the media -- led by men like Charlie Sykes -- is now formally and officially erasing Liberals from modern political history.
Liberals say the darndest things. And unless we either fly well under the radar or enjoy the institutional protection that comes with a byline in mainstream publication or a Twitter Blue Check, sooner or later we get muzzled for it by people with clout who do not like us saying those things.
And unless we bite, and scratch and make absolute nuisances of ourselves demanding that the history of our parlous times be told honestly, completely and in the right order, our voices will vanish altogether.
Here endeth the lesson.
"Liberals freed the slaves. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals created the 40-hour work week and got children out of the factories. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals made our food, medicines, highways and airplanes safe. Liberals [got] gay marriage legalized and are going to get marijuana legalized. ... The goal of this "conservative" version of history in which America has never done anything wrong, is to make liberalism not only irrelevant, not just self-evidently wrong and bad for the country, but completely and entirely unnecessary. If America has never committed any wrongs, then we never needed liberals or liberalism to right those wrongs."
I once thought writing letters to the editor could do some good. None seemed to go over well with conservatives, especially explaining Dunning-Kruger. Way back in 2004 I predicted the GOP would split with the fascists. I thought that day was finally here but they snatched my gloat before I could serve it.
I think if the GOP was to split the corporate fascists verses the Superior races of the party.
It makes little difference for republicans to register Independent. It is like the alcoholic that makes the geographical move thinking he will stop drinking because he moved. Not considering he brought along his alcoholic when he moved.
But they have a space they think , as a registered Independent that will shield them for critics.
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