Tuesday, February 09, 2021

In a Previous Incarnation...

...David Brooks was the last man to give up on the Missouri Compromise.

If you're looking for a example of "Extreme White Privilege" you could do worse than the case of Mr. David Brooks who has been consistently and spectacularly wrong about nearly everything for decades and still enjoys a job-for-life at The New York Times, NPR, PBS and an occasional dabble at The Atlantic.  

No Half Measures


Phil said...

I guess I'm not sure what is meant by "progressive views" or for that matter what is meant by bipartisanship, other than it means that it's not whatever the Democrats are doing.

dave said...

funny...when the republicans BEFORE trump were in the slight minority i must have missed the flip side of the plaintive whine for bi-partisanship. brooks is the cooler, the guy to work the refs against the dems...

because the dems are capable of guilt and responsibility. it is a hackable trait and brooksy plays it like a fiddle....the republicans are post guilt, post remorse, post responsibility.

the demonstration is displayed and writ large in the senate; in real time today.