Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Any Charter Members of the Spleenwald Horde Still Wanna Swing By...

...and chastise ol' droneglass for doubting the good intentions and being insufficiently reverential of the Greatest Journalist in the World? 

The comment section is open.

I Told You So


MikeAdamson said...

Something something Assange something mainstream media something something

Roger Ailes said...

It depends on what the meaning of zip ties is. - Bubba G.

And died. If you stop living but you weren't brained by a fire extinguisher, are you really dead?

Robt said...

Is there a dating website that can put together Glenn and RE. marjorie Greene.

I can see the commercial's they could make after finding each other to promote a dating Web site.

I "believe" these two were made for each other. The intimate conversations they would have
is something only Ivanka and Jared could achieve.

Jason said...

He was a voice for good once a long time ago so I choose to beleive somewhere in GG's brain stem there's a wisp of a voice of conscience crying out for him to stop being such a goddamned right wing tool.

Jason said...

Subtext- I'm a contrarian and a genius...LOOK AT ME!