Saturday, January 09, 2021

The Wall Street Journal Climbs So Far Up Peak Both Siderism...

...that I have to believe Gerald Seib needed oxygen tanks and a Sherpa guide to get this claptrap down on paper.

The headline:

A Single Day Shakes Two Presidencies, Two Parties and One Nation to the Core

Followed by:

Yadda yadda yadda

Followed by:

 It’s surely an exaggeration to say the Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol did Mr. Biden a favor, but they lent some new urgency to his calls to back away from the bitter politics of the last few years.

Followed by:

Yadda yadda yadda

Followed by:

A key question now is how, far beyond the streets of Washington, the country at large reacts. Will voters on both sides of the partisan divide now see compromise and consensus as preferable to continued deep divisions, or will they see the day’s events as further evidence of how far apart they are from countrymen with whom they disagree?

Except, of course...

No Half Measures


Kwark said...

Yeah! Dammnit, why did those Democrats sit on that $2,000 aid to families bill for so long that poor Mitch just couldn't see a path for it to pass. I mean for cryin' out loud, you HAVE to make a FEW concessions, like maybe Nancy and Chuck should've sweetened the deal with another $trillion tax cut for the rich? You know, something that would ADD tax revenue because trickle down and stuff.

FDChief said...

"Will voters on both sides of the partisan divide now see compromise and consensus as preferable to continued deep divisions..?"

Absolutely! Patiently awaiting the wingnut move towards the tax increases, Infrastructure Week, Fightforfifteen, BLM, reproductive choice...I'm sure they'll be enthusiastic to compromise aaaaaany day now!

Jake formerly of the LP said...

The consensus that organizing a coup that goes against the wishes of the voters is a bad thing? Hey Jerry, I think it's only one party that's not got its members there. And it ain't the Dems.

The "view from nowhere" is one of the biggest reasons we are in this mess today.