Wednesday, January 06, 2021

So Sick of Pundits...


...who are only now slowly beginning to suspect that it's not 1982.

No Half Measures


Jado said...

Whoa whoa whoa. How can the poor innocent pundits be expected to understand complex issues like Republicanism when their paychecks depend on them not understanding them? I think you are expecting a bit much from them. Poor little dears...

Robt said...

With news out of Georgia over two democratic Senators.

It is very hard right now to put it into words of perspective.

So let Tarzan say it for me right now.


I realize the pundits will continue to follow Trump and yack about Dems in dissaray. The new weedy grass that is all of a sudden found in the GOP.
But for now, Tarzan speaks for me....................

Robt said...

After the hour long call to Gergia state republicans to "recalculate" the votes. by Trump.

I recalled Senator Susan Collins in a interview . Asked why she voted to acquit Trump on the extortion since she admits he did it.

Collins said, "I think he learned his lesson".

I would agree. Because Trump learned their is no accountability because the GOP senate will shield him and you cannot indict a sitting president by some DOJ memo. That is not in the constitution.

The lesson learned? Go ahead and do it again. Don't be concerned over being recorded.

Just like those voters in Maine that reelected Collins?

What have they learned of Collins' judgement?